~ Routine ~

In the evenings when we camped alongside the road, we prepared and served dinner, the only warm meal during our journey.

To be honest, we had no idea how to cook. But our Masters were patient with us, and told us what to do. We only really burned the food that first night.

As punishment, that's what we got to eat. The taste of failure, I suppose.

I didn't like it on my tongue, or otherwise.

The routine for the next week and a half, except where otherwise noted, went like this:

In the mornings, Radam would wake us, and we would pack up while he got the team ready. Then we would wake up Kaust and get him to move to the sleeping compartment, and we would be off.

Kaust would sleep through the day as Radam drove. We would usually nap for most of the morning in the back, curled up in an old blanket. After the second night we asked for a sewing kit to patch the holes in it, which we did.

At a little after noon we would stop and eat a cold meal. Breakfast for us, lunch for him. Naturally we fetched it from the boxes. If there was some small chore that they had, we did it.

He would instruct us as we drove into the evening. It's surprising how many useful things there is for a slave to know, especially one that has to live in their master's house. How to address guests, how to spot royalty and of what sort, when to go unnoticed, and when to show ourselves off.

Sometime during the drive Kaust would join us, and the talk would continue.

After making camp and dinner, we got other instruction. How to present ourselves attractively, both in private to our Master, and more subtly in public, while still looking properly submissive. Radam knew a surprising amount about posture and walking for a male pleasure slave for someone that had absolutely no interest in males himself.

We also were made to practice holding poses for extended periods. You have no idea how uncomfortable and how much work kneeling really is until you have to do it that long. We eventually grew used to it, but that was the worst of it by far.

When Radam went to sleep in the cab, Kaust would begin the more intimate training. He has a good deal of experience with men, having had a lot of flings with random people. We knew that, of course, since he had never tried to hide it from us, but I didn't know there were so many things you could do with each other.

And he considered himself to be poorly educated in such things.

That first night, though, was hard. There are things sexually that are kind of a bitch to practice, and one's gag reflex is one of them. My brother, sore from kneeling, frustrated, and gagging one too many times snapped at Kaust.

You know, I don't know what was worse, watching my brother take a beating, or the look on Kaust's face when he stomped out of the camp afterward. I could not do much for Kaust, in this case, it would be out of place. And we had to learn our place. That was a really hard lesson. At least I could hold my brother while he cried.

That incident asside, it was easy to be intimate with Kaust. I think I loved him, though I never said it. I could not imagine what it will be like to be with some stranger. That scared me. Going home with someone who bought us, and touching him this way? What if I could not stand him, would I be able to do it?

That was in the back of my mind a lot. I tried to ignore it, there was after all nothing I could do about it. Only the fates could decide such things, and I would just have to make the best of it.

Besides, I'd find out soon enough.

Chapter 2 Part 2 of Brothers Copyright 2007 WhiteFire http://www.fur.com/wfire