I said I'd never make a links page. So I lied. Sue me. (Note to lawyers: that's a joke. You wouldn't win anything anyhow.) At least it won't be one of those "Wow, look what I can do with my bookmarks file!" pages.

People who are my friends

(Note that but for one notable exception, I'm using fictional names here; I have to. Half the people here are named David -- including me -- and either you'd get all confused from trying to figure out who's whom, or I'd get all confused trying to keep them separate while maintaining their privacy. Anyhow, dear reader...)

First off, WhiteFire most certainly does have a homepage, and it's wise to mention him first. He co-owns the machine on which you're seeing this... The other co-owner, Kveldulf, is another good friend of mine.

Another of my friends is Tzoq who has an interesting series of pages on a definitely-alternative band named The Residents. They're a band who have eyeballs for heads.

There's also Guppy, a wonderful friend and person (I feel like I'm at an awards show) whose art ( Guppy's Art) I like! G'wan. Check it out. C'mon. I dares yuh.

And I can't forget Jethric -- he's a good friend of mine. He also publishes a fanzine called FurVisions -- The fact that he's published me in it more than once has nothin' to do with his being here, of course. But if you're interested in such things, check the link out, and if you're interested, buy an issue or two! Please?

Finally, we have the (in)famous Elf Sternberg, writer of stories, purveyor of sexual knowledge, creator of web-pages, and all-around neat guy who's done all sortsa neat stuff. I've been waiting for an e-mail reply from him since about May. From what I hear from his other friends, that's about average. Check out his stories on the page above, but be forewarned -- there's sex in 'em.

People who aren't my friends

Penn & Teller top the list, 'cause I think they're just so damned cool!

Well, okay, I disagree with Penn's views on GNU, and Teller's eloquent waxing on what is frankly Neo-Keynesian rhetoric simply leaves me wondering the obvious.

Besides, I've heard his voice -- no wonder the man doesn't speak on stage.

And Penn -- just how much do you think your fans really trust a 6'6"-tall guy with nail polish on his left ring finger who cavorts with Bell Labs scientists? And spell your last name right! With a G instead of a J!

But enough about them, on to... oh, wait. I forgot to write something good about 'em. So here. A Penn & Teller link.


There's also Isaac Asimov, Georg Cantor (No relation to the lawyer and yes, Georg), John Conway, Tim Conway, Larry Dixon (who was in my friends list, until we lost contact), Albert Einstein, Pierre de Ferma , Richard Feynman, Martin Gardner, Richard Garriott (except for Ultima 8 and 9), William Gibson, Kurt Gödel, Stephen Hawkings, Abbie Hoffmann, Benoit Mandelbrot, James Randi, Richard StallmaGNU, Richard Stoll, Linus 'Psycho Penguin' Torvalds, Alan Turing, Jon Von Neumann, and whoever invented microwave popcorn, but I'm too pooped out after my rant to include any links.

My own page

This link is simply a link to my own homepage. However, it uses a different alias (snowfox.fur.com was the original) so web-crawlers see the site twice. Uselessness! Woohoo!

Irony in action:
Seriously, folks, Utopia's sites are customized for all browsers with our Intelligent Display (tm) technology. For instance, a visitor to our home page using a text-only browser such as Lynx would see this:
(From http://www.utopia.com/lynx2.html)

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