Last updated Feb 16 16:38:55 2005.
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About this Page


Some time ago I found it hard to find the interesting Web pages that related to Furrys, so I started making my own little links page. It later dawned on me that perhaps it would be useful to others, and since I run, I decided to put up a web server with this page.


The page itself is deticated to the furry comunity, the art, the stories, the wierdos, who make it all happen and wonderful. It contans links to people and places of interests, archives of information of all sorts, but does not realy contain any content of it's own. It's simply a directory service.


As of the end of October, 1996, this page was re-writen to run out of a database. It uses a Perl/CGI front end to a public domain SQL database called PostgreSQL. We use an Apache server on a Linux system.


This page lives on user contributions. If you have a new link to put on the page, see this form. It will enter the page directly into the database.

Each link is verified for correctness before it is approved for the webpage. This is done to stop spammers from inserting links. Yes, they realy do that.


If you see a correction that needs to be made, send email to Please include the database refernce number found by the link in the parens!

I am...

WhiteFire, a System Admin who had a little spare time and hopes he can do something useful for furs everywhere.

Writen by WhiteFire <>
Last updated Feb 16 16:38:55 2005.