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Tapestries MUCK FAQ

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What if I want my building to be public?

The TapestriesMUCK building wizard is StyxWizard.

Public building must be submitted via the bboard in the Town Hall 'building permits' room.

To go there, type: tport BuildingPermits

There is a very, very, very long line.

Remember, there are literally hundreds of people trying to build new spaces on the MUCK. The "turn-around
time" for building approval can stretch into months. That's right, months.

In the meantime, learn the tport program (tport #help) to show individuals how to teleport directly to your space. In any event, do not hold your breath for quick evaluation and approval of building projects. Your project will be given the attention it deserves as soon as it's feasible.

For more information, read the bboard in game mentioned above.

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