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Tapestries MUCK FAQ

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What is different about MPI on Tapestries compared to other MUCKs?

In "standard" MPI implementations, you can read properties, check flags, and otherwise manipulate objects that are "close by" or are in places you own.

This, with the exception of {name:}, simply does not work on Tapestries. The reasons are many and varied, but lets just say if you walked into someone's room, or looked at them, they could, say, read your page #mail, before this change was made.

That is just plain not acceptable.

There are a few things you ARE allowed to find out about people, these are granted through special macros that are global to the system:

{sex:} Returns someone's gender.
{species:} Returns someone's species.

Again, the context that you are allowed to look at these is fairly limited.

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