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What is the difference between being 'toaded' and being 'banned'?

Toading is the process of removing a specific character and all the objects it owns from the MUCK. This can either be done volentarily (with @toadme), or as a punitive measure by the wizards.

When done punitively, it is meant to punish the individual by removing all objects and works they have created. It however does not mean they may not make a new character, and start from scratch.

Banning is an administrative action taken by the wizards when they feel an individual is too disruptive to continue to exist on the muck in any form. It involves removing (toading) all their characters, and informing them that they are not welcome to return.

Individuals who are banned are breaking the law if they do return, and their accounts are removed whenever they are discovered.

Bannings can either be for a period of time (for example, until the subject reaches the age of 18), or permanent in some rare cases.


JadeWizard's answer, just for variety:

Toaded users experience 'punishment' by having their character and possessions deleted. Everything revolving around their name and/or dbref breaks. All code, buildings, objects, exits, etc are gone. Unless they have continuously backed up their "stuff" to a file off the MUCK, it's all toast. But they aren't banned. They can turn right around, go back to the registration page and create themselves again.

Banning, on the other hand, means that the user is not welcome to recreate themselves. The wizards will prevent the user from returning. Sometimes this is accompanied by a sitewide banning, which means any user with a matching IP address and/or email address can not return to the MUCK. All attempts to get around bans are carefully logged to keep the ban as permanent and consistent as possible given our resources. However, bans are not always permanent.


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