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What is an NCO? How do I get one? How is it enforced? What's the worst that can happen to either of us if we break it?

NCO == No Contact Order, it is discussed in the Harassment policy.

You get one by using 'request #submit ' to leave a ticket for the wizards, as mentioned in that policy.

It is enforced by complaint. If one party complains the other violated the NCO, this is researched.

The punishment for violating an NCO can range from time in the stocks all the way to banning, depending on prior history, and the nature of the contact.

From JadeWizard, 09-18-2004:

***Tip about alts: If you have reasonable evidence or knowledge that another character is played by someone with whom you have an NCO, then the NCO applies to that character. If you have no evidence or knowledge that the character is played by that person (i.e. they are deliberately incognito) then you can not be said to have broken the NCO. Keep this in mind.*** Thank you.

An NCO, or "No Contact Order," is a wizard-enforced conflict management tool. It forbids both parties from making any further contact with one another, essentially under pain of death. "Breaking an NCO" by communicating with the person -- whether via your main, your alt(s), or your friends, etc -- is typically an immediately toadable offense. NCOs are requested via the request system (req #submit ) and exist until one party petitions the wizards for it to be dissolved, and both parties agree to the dissolution. Detailed instructions on how to carry out an NCO are provided to both parties during the instatement.

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