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How can I volunteer to help out?

As a member of helpstaff, you need to be an expert in navigating the helpfiles, news files, info files, policy files, wizard cinfos, and website. You will be reading them so that the ordinary players don't have to. Someone who has only ever used 'editplayer' and has little to no familiarity with the help resources is not the best candidate for the position.

Please note, the role of helpstaff is to provide assistance with FAQs, building, programming, help resources, and other technical issues. It is not the responsibility of helpstaff members to participate in peacekeeping or arbitration. Period. Members of helpstaff are instructed to keep a "hands off" approach to user
conflict, and to kindly direct the users to seek help from one of the wizard administrators.

If you have read and agree to these terms, please send your application to tap-wizzes@fur.com with subject line 'Volunteer'. Please include a brief description of your qualifications and the name of your character. Depending upon your qualifications, your may be given a brief entrance "quiz" before you are welcomed to the staff core.

Thank you!

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