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Tapestries MUCK FAQ

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I submitted a character request, but never got the email with the registration key code. What should I do?

Assume you made an error when you entered your email address or that your spam software ate your email, etc. I don't mean to throw it back at you, but in my years of experience it's %99.999 the user's error in this scenario.

Your flubbed character generation will eventually time out. This takes 2-3 days. The character will then be automatically recycled to free the name again. At that point you can send in another registration request. If you don't want to wait that long, pick a new name and try again.

You can write to us at tap-wizzes@fur.com if and only if you have tried registering at least twice, okay? Usually someone flubs their data entry on the form. We need you to try twice before coming to us. (We get a LOT of inquiries like this!)

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