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How do I use the new #request system?

To get technical support, you go to helpstaff. (Type 'helpstaff' to see the list.) But to get help with harassment and policy violations, you go to the wizards. And you use 'request #submit [text]' to create a trouble ticket, 'request #requests' to see a list of your existing tickets, and 'request #show [ticketnumber]' to review your ticket(s) later, to find out which wizard took it over, and how the issue was resolved, or how you can help to resolve it.

Sometimes, you'll do 'request #requests' and see that a ticket is old, and unclaimed. At that point, please feel free to submit a fresh ticket with a reference to the older one, reminding us that the issue still needs attention. Sometimes the ticket is so old that in fact the issue is no longer an issue. In that case, please let us know (submit another ticket; or page-mail) that ticket #xxxx can be safely closed out.

Sometimes you'll see your ticket has been claimed, but not resolved. Feel free to follow up with the claimant wizard for details.

Sometimes you'll see that the ticket is resolved, but the resolution doesn't make sense or isn't what you needed from the wizard. Follow up on those, too. We're trying to be more or less 'at your service' -- so don't sit and stew! Let us know if you need more attention.

If you feel in any way ignored, please understand you've probably been lost in spam (metaphorically) and that it isn't a statement on the part of any wizard (or helpstaffer, or zone administrator, etc) to brush you off. Just speak up and we'll do our best!

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