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<page pageid="1442" ns="0" title="Real Life (RL)">
<rev xml:space="preserve">Real Life, commonly abbreviated RL, is commonly used to refer to life outside of any form of [[Roleplaying]] and computer environments. It can also be used to refer to you being 100% [[Out Of Character]] in game, or acting as the "real you."
<page pageid="1396" ns="0" title="Recommended Reading">
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==Muck Society and Etiquette==
Guides and other information about the society of the Muck and how to get along in it.
* [[Not Just A Game]] - The "It's Just A Game" myth explained.
* [ MUCK Etiquette and Tips] - While more aimed at FurryMUCK which has different social standards for sexuality, it still has some good information about relating to people online.
==BDSM Resources==
Information about the [[BDSM]] subculture that Tapestries caters to.
* [ Wipipedia] - London Fetish Scene's BDSM Wiki.
* ['s BDSM Page] - Lots and lots of good links here.
* [ soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm FAQ] - Lots of good information about BDSM, both what it is, and some of the practices.
Information about the [[Furry]] subculture that Tapestries caters to.
==Mud/Muck Technical==
Information about using the [[MUCK]] server we use, or about the Muck itself.
* [ Map of Tapestries by Reddra Designs] (archived) - Not official, but fairly well done.
* [ Fantasy Name Generator] - When you just can't come up with a name.
* ['s MUD Client List] - [[MUCK Clients]] will make your life a lot easier.
* [ TinyMUCK FuzzBall] - Website for the server we run on. We run an older version, but they still have some good reference material there.</rev>