AFRIL.RPT A report on Afril Silver Fox/Wolf Cross Mother - Fox. Bright Light, Eldest Daughter of Tribal Elder Many Feet - ran away from family village at 17. Went to TradeStop, Small city on trading route. Met Father - Wolf. North Brigade Soldier - on leave. 2 weeks later Father is gone, Mother Pregnant. Mother finds Friend of Family, gets passage to Borderton. Has Boy-child. Names him 'Pathway to the Bridge between Two Villages'. She leaves the cub with friends and returns to village, after being found by family. She marries and settles in village. First 2 years normal, then Family hears about half-son. 'Mongrils' are not tolerated and he is abandoned on the street to save his life. He is given his Mother's Ring as a link to his family. Next 2 years spent on street, learning how to hustle and eat refuse.. Is caught in sweep by local police and placed in orphanage. Year and a half in Orphanage - schooling started. Purchased by unknown Female. 11 years of being forced to wear a white dress, act like a female, and daily beatings. Age 10 - he is caught comparing anatomy with Sally, female rabbit friend. He was caught, His only toy - a rabbit-doll given to him by Sally - was broken and tosed in the trash. He was beaten severly, and left locked in a closet uncertain if he would perish there of neglect. In the morning he was allowed free and sexually abused, as well as being beaten, from that time on. At 16, he is raped, beaten and castrated by all-female gang. Found by Wolf on jogging path. He is taken into the Wolf's home, And raised with the Wolf's Lover, a Bear. He gets a summer/after school job as a 'Towel-Boy' in a bath-house. At 20, he joins the R.O.T.C. and continues college. Graduates as Captain, with B. S. in Archival Research. At 23, he moves from Wolf and Bear's Place and joins work force, being used by 'ladder-climbers'. He joins Temple of Pan and works there part-time until his breakdown at age 40. Put on extended leave he travels, finding love, disappointment and broken hearts. He is mated several times, takes many lovers during this period. After 2 years of strife, he makes his way to a mountain pass to die. He is found, frozen and not quite dead by Traders, who take him in. He is returned to his village, and healed. He has returned to the City, spending time with his Tribe every year. End of report