PANDURA6.TXT At Sea.. - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society When they pulled into Kingston, the Crew found they had a bit more than they bargained for. Included in the dozen young men, there were four Dandies. The Captain stamped her foot, but put the males in a separate cabin. Opened a sealed pouch. "New Orders.. Transport these Four to The Colonies as well. They are going to Fort Deur.. 50 Sliver added to pay for inconvenience." Well, Wasn't Her problem then. And As long as they stayed to Themselves, Which they would.. Two Foxes, A Wolf and Skunk.. What a waste! Then a more pleasant surprise.. Word came that Another male wanted passage. An Elder Shepherd.. A Paying Passenger. Been a Long time since the Customer's Cabin was used.. She sent somebody to clean it up and told another to welcome the fur onboard. The fox had no trouble finding him. Encased in a Black cloak, the male stood beside his lone chest and watched as supplies were taken in. "Do you need help with That, Sir?" The male shook his head. "Thanks, Lad. I can Still lift my own trunk." And kneeling, did just that. Grabbing a ring set in the side, he lifted the long box up his back then onto his shoulder. Straightened up and adjusted the weight. "But I do thank ye for the offer.." The fox nodded, sighing softly. They were Still in Costume, as it were.. And would be so until they were well from shore. Then they would sort out the young lads.. See who was husband material, and who wasn't. And got a pat on her shoulder! "However.. A hand up the gangplank would be welcome. My knees are no longer what they used to be.." She grinned and assisted the Shepherd up to the deck. A horse came up to him. "I am Mr. Gibbons, The Filly's First-Mate. If you will follow me please.." The male nodded. Was led to the far forward set of rooms. "This one will be yours, Sir. Tis not the most luxurious, But.." The canine smiled, making his scarred face somehow more handsome. "Compared to a cloak on stony ground, Even a knotty Plank would seem like a feather bed. And Call me Rehas, Mr. Gibbons." The equine took the proffered hand. Strong too.. "Rehas it is then.. I shall check on your Cart, Sir." The canine nodded and closing the door, unpacked. The cart, which held but two more long trunks, Both Sealed, didn't take up enough space to hardly bother about. So the crew got to ogle the 'Cargo'.. And vice-versa. When all was stowed and they set sail, one of the ladies decided to pay a courtesy visit to the fur who could handle steamer trunks.. But needed a hand up a wide planking. * * * *Knock* **Knock* "Enter.." The lynx came into the cabin.. And stood, stunned. "Do close the door, That wind is cold.." The canine was standing before a mirror hung on the wall. In one hand was a pair of scissors with which he was trimming his facial hair.. That unto itself was strange, But was not the reason for the poor fur losing her composure. For, excepting the hair on his body, he was Naked! It didn't matter nothing of importance was revealed, The Male Was Naked! "Yes?" He half-turned.. Mara was hard-pressed not to drop her eyes.. Nothing could be seen, as he still had his legs akilter, But... "Either speak your mind, or go outside and gather yer wits back. But, Please.. Before I catch me death, Close the door." The animal was too busy chewing on her knuckles To do anything.. "Alright." The canine put his shears away in a sheath next to the mirror, and turned full.. To clasp his hands Behind his back. "You now have my Full attention, Sailor." Mara blushed deep crimson. But she glanced down anyway.. His Tail was curled up between his legs, and rested across his groin. And while it Was neither huge nor fluffy, it did a fine job at being a hairy loin-cloth. She Finally gathered herself together long enough to stammer out a greeting.. "Found your tongue at last.. Forgot which pocket you stuck it in, Eh? I've done that.." He reached down and scratched.. His tail-tip. Red-faced, and sweating buckets, the lynx hastily made her exit. But, Not before closing the door. And made a beeline for the Captain's quarters like her tail had been set afire.. With many a questioning look from the rest of the crew. The Shepherd shook his head and finished his trimming. Brushed his tail and grinned as he gazed out the window of his cabin. Which was wide open.. * * * Some time later, the male was striding along the deck. A simple robe covered his frame well.. Too well for some of the furs who had listened with rapt attention to Mara's description. He was Not Young.. And the many scars on his body attested to his being a bit rough around the edges. But Most all were sure the love of a good woman would soon turn him 'round.. Funt watched the passenger make the rounds, being a nuisance without being a hindrance, as some of the younger males were doing. Those not hanging onto the side-rail, that is.. He stopped and looked at a knot. Shook his head. Wrapping the rope twice around his left arm, the fur jerked the offending tie free. With a quick over-and-under motion, he made a much better one, tucking the free end in, so no one would trip over it. Hmmm.. If anybody else noticed the spar's meddling, they kept their peace. Rowena made sure her path would cross his.. And when they did... "Good day, Master Shandon. I am Rowen Funt, Skipper of the Crimson Filly." She jumped a bit when the male snapped a salute to her.. And quickly made the gesture into a bow. "Captain.." Military.. But That was Not a Naval Salute. Nor was it the type a Lessor Officer would use. More like a General or Commander would give to an equal. A greeting of sorts.. "Captain.. A word, if you please." The fur nodded. "My Cabin.." They went to the far back, where the Captain slept. In lock-step.. Definitely Military. And there was a momentary lapse of protocol as he Insisted the wolf go in first. 'Doesn't like anybody at his back, either..' Rowena poured wine, mulling over what she had observed so far.. "Thanks.. Captain, I was wondering if you gave your crew shore-leave when you came into port.." And found herself bereft of speech! He chuckled.. "One of them came in while I was trimming my chin, and simply stared at me." Mara had come in, stammering about the male being nude when she had entered his cabin.. "I did not mind the stare. Indeed, I was flattered to find someone my age could still turn a head. And That was the reason why I ask.. Mind, If this was the Field, I would have welcomed the lad into my tent.. Even if he is a bit young for my taste." The wolf turned away, so he could not see her scowl. Even so, she couldn't keep the bitterness out of her voice. "I See.." The male drained the wine in a gulp. "Captain.. The last person who called me what you are thinking was still picking his teeth up when I left the bar." Then gently put the goblet down. "I shall say two more things then leave.. First - I am a Mercenary. That means I take my pleasures when and with whoever I can.. There is little use in waiting to go to town, when you may very well be dead by morning.." Rowena shuddered. "If you do find yourself alive at Night's Falling, A bowl of soup and a warm body to lay next to becomes all one could ask for. Second - I came with a question. And since I have my answer, I will leave your Captainship. Thank you for the wine.." He hesitated before the door. "I Have lain with Women.. I prefer males for one simple reason. Children.. I am Not About to bring a child in this world not knowing when or even If he shall ever see his Father again. And.." He sighed softly.. "Having buried Too Damnded many Friends, I hesitate at even taking a Lover any more." The wolf turned to say something.. But the door was closed. Blast! She had handled That badly.. Turned his words over in her mind.. A Noble Mercenary? That was like saying a cute snake! * * * Later she found him on deck. Robe open to mid-waist, he was heaving on a sail-line. Two of the crew were behind him.. And were spending more time drooling then helping. The wolf watched the muscles ripple across his scarred frame and shook her head again. "Get busy, There.. I Want that sail up." They jumped a bit.. Exchanged guilty looks. Then pulled on the rope. "Right." And the big male almost knocked them over when he heaved backwards! Left hand, Right hand, Pull. Then he stared singing! A strange tune. In an unfamiliar language.. Rowena wracked her brain trying to find some rhyme or reason to the thing. Except for the fact it Did have a repeating chorus, and it was easy to pull to, Zilch.. But Somebody else knew what he was singing.. And her jaw fell. 'Oh My Lover is Big and Strong..' 'Oh, The Pansies are in Full Bloom.' 'He's a horse, with a whang a full yard long!' 'In Silken Gowns and Strong Perfume..' 'Ah, Be still my beating heart..' 'Oh, The Pansies are in Full Bloom.' 'Someone's just cut a tremendous fart..' 'In Silken Gowns and Strong Perfume..' 'Of all the muscles, I like best..' 'Oh, The Pansies are in Full Bloom.' 'The one longest when at Rest.' 'In Silken Gowns and Strong Perfume..' The ferret shook her head.. 'A Mouthful, A Holefull.. Ah! There's Bliss.' 'Oh, The Pansies are in Full Bloom.' 'Don't believe me? Ask Any.. Twink!' 'In Silken Gowns and Strong Perfume..' With one last heave, the sail was in place. Gryphith could Not believe her Ears! The tune was an old working song she had heard many a time, while her mother weaved. But Those Weren't the Same Words! The rope was tied off, and the fur wiped sweat off his brow. "Gets any hotter and I'll be for wearing a loin-cloth." The pair of Sailors behind him just about fell over each other again. He saw the wolf standing on the deck, and bowed to her. "Good Day, Captain. I was passing by and found these two struggling with a stubborn line. Hope you don't mind my helping out.." She sighed. "No, Good Sir. I do not. However, I would ask you not make it a habit.." He bowed again. "As you wish.." Re-tied his robe and asked for a bucket. Then retired to his cabin. Blast again! What was it about the male that made her bark at him so.. She grinned, watching 'Danny' sidle up to one of the young men. They chatted for a time, then he helped her mop the deck. Many of the crew had found possible mates.. Except Her. None Seemed Right.. Well, Maybe one or two. * * * Gryphith talked with Mara for a few minutes, listening again to her tale. Then went over and knocked on the cabin door. "Enter.." She pulled herself together... And Lost it anyway. The canine was standing to one side and slowly moved both arms out full. At least he was wearing a cloth about his waist.. Then he turned and jumped! "Exercises.." Spun, clawed at the air, and kicked higher than she was tall! That would have been alright.. Except he wore nothing Underneath the skirt. And for the briefest of moments, the ferret could see he was indeed male.. 'How grows Your Father Reeds?' He stood, awaiting a reply. Twisted his upper body to one side, then the other.. 'And do the Blackbirds still sing sweetly?' Still nothing.. 'The Gryphith's funt Sheep!' That got the ferret's attention! Her hair rose and she lifted her upper lip.. 'And The Lever's Hun Stones.. Got a couple?' She had jumped before the second comment hit.. And fell flat on her face when it registered. "You know.. If I wasn't a Gentleman, I Might not be able to control myself.." She quickly turned over onto her back. "That.. And The Captain frowning on me patronizing with the crew.. Ah, Well. Let me give ye a hand up." Trisha took the offered hand. Found it to be quite strong.. 'My Father's reeds grow well. And the Blackbirds sing sweet. When wast thou in the Isles?' The canine lifted two mugs. "Tea? And not that weak Stuff either!" She grinned and nodded.. Lifted the cup, inhaling the aroma of good, strong Elleas Tea. "Sugar? Cream is, unfortunately, out of the question.." She shook her head, sipping on the warm liquid. 'Forgiveness for shocking you so. But I Hate talking to Stone Walls..' She grinned. 'And how is it a rogue such as yerself knows a Weavers Song?' He grinned. 'Ah.. I admit the words were Not the Traditional ones.. At one time, I was garrisoned with a Company of Black Kilts. We spent half the night thinking up verses to That song.. And drinking Good Irish Whisky. My head Still hurts When I think about it..' The ferret Laughed. She remembered having one too many in her time.. They sat and discussed things that would have seemed trivial to anybody but those born on a rocky island. How many Patterns of Tartan there were. The best ways to gather flax rushes. The decline of the Harp as a musical instrument.. They finally stood. "I have kept you overly long.." The ferret disagreed. "I dinna think they missed me." He walked her to the door, even it was a handful of paces away. Took her hands in his. "Anytime you wish to talk, feel free to drop by." She looked at the male. "May I.." She shyly dropped her head. Then lifted it again. Closed her eyes and waited for her first kiss.. What she got was her palms being pressed to the scarred muzzle and the male blowing a big, wet raspberry into them.. Trisha shrieked and giggling, jerked her wet hands free. "You Twink!" He laughed.. Then placed a hand on her shoulder, and stroked the back of her neck with the other. Her green eyes misted over as the male bend down, moving his muzzle closer.. And at the last moment, he shifted so his lips pressed to her forehead! Slid his tongue over an ear.. "You Husband deserves your first Kiss, Lass.. Not The Wandering Minstrel who is here this day, and gone the next.. However you may give me the odd one he Doesn't want." *Knock* *Knock* "And that will be your Captain, wanting to know where his seaman has run off to. No, My Lady.. I Shall tell no one." He smiled and this time kissed her on the lips. Then opened the door and allowed the bewildered ferret out. To find a grinning fox, instead of a frowning wolf. "Need the Bucket.." He smiled and fetched the object. "Thanks for it's usage.." He winked at the fur, then closed the door. * * * The moon was over the sail when a worried fox crossed the deck and knocked on a certain door. "Master Shandon? I hate to wake ye, but you said ta let ya know if Anything was brewing down in the Poof's corner. They is talking low and one 'a thems been crying.." Traal barely had time to move out of the way before the canine exploded out of the cabin. In a dozen strides, the male had his robe tied and a sheathed sword slid across his back. She damn near had to run to catch up with him.. "If I yell, run and wake the Captain," He growled soft and low. "I may have to put somebody in chains and will need space in the brig. But Only if I Yell, Got it? Don't want her Nibs up and snarling about a lovers's spat.." The fox giggled into her hand. Having a Brother who was Gay changed her outlook on Such beings. She picked-up Mara, who was on Watch, and together they followed the male. He stopped just clear of the cabin. "Stay here.. Unless I Specifically Call for you, Ignore whatever you hear.. Sometimes ya gotta lie through yer teeth.. Especially to such flitty creatures." They both giggled.. "And sometimes a good swat in the pants is all that is needed.. I shall have to see which." They nodded. "You Ladies are too good for the likes of a poor fur like me.." Gave each a kiss. They sighed and hugged him. Watched as he carefully made his way over to the cabin. Disappeared inside.. "Who do you think he likes best?" The fox shook her head. "Tis hard, straddlin both worlds.." Mara stared at her friend and crewmember.. "And How would You know?" Traal smiled. "Me Brother's a Twink.. Wouldn't know it by looking at him. Had half the lasses in the Village lustin after him. He left for a few months.. Came back with another male on his arm. Taught me well, he did. That's why I got Me eye on Young Scamp.." The lynx gasped. "No.. That bit of scruff?" The fox smiled again, keeping an ear cocked for trouble. "Looks can be deceiving.. I think he will make a Good Printer. And there's worse jobs to have.." Mara shook her head and hugged her companion. "For luck.." They had heard nothing untoward.. Which was a Good sign. But The pair kept an ear to the cabin anyway.. * * * "Laddie.. Give me the knife." The skunk's eyes went wide.. "No!" One of the foxes hissed at the intruder. "We can take care of our own.." The others growled at him as well. "So can I, Love.." The big male turned and closed the door behind him. Bolting it.. "Now we are Alone.. Just the five of us. Or is that soon to be four.. Ah well, One more Fairy in the World won't matter much." The skunk's hand trembled. "You'll never cut your throat That way, Lad.. Here. Let me Show You How It's Done!" He lifted a dagger free and tossed it at the male. It slammed into the wood beside the fur's head.. Who gasped, looking at the huge thing quivering inches from him. Before anybody could react, the canine had jumped the length of the cabin and slammed himself into the skunk. Grabbing the furry wrist, he twisted it. With a soft cry, the fur dropped the small weapon. "Now.." He jerked the dagger free, and kicked the dirk off to one side. "What was this all about?" Pandemonium reigned as everybody yelled about the intrusion into Their Privacy. The skunk in the mean time had slid down the wall and was puddled on the floor, sobbing. "Silence!" There was No mistaking the menace in the male's voice. "The next one who raises his voice eats his tail.." They shrank back from a canine whose hair had risen and was curling his upper lip in a very nasty snarl. Having a large knife in one hand didn't hurt, either.. "Thank You." He sheathed the blade, then squatted. Turning his back on the trio, Shandon put a finger under the dark chin, lifting it. "What's your name, Son?" Gently rubbed the male's jaw as the tears subsided. "You do have a name.." The animal opened his brown eyes and stared into the blue ones. Blue as water.. They smiled at him. He shyly looked away. "Larrl.." "Ah. Larrl.. Do you have any wine?" The furs jumped a bit. "What?" "Wine.. After a good cry, I am always thirsty." The brown eyes were back on him again, as this bit of news sank in. "Be back in a minute.. They will probably stick themselves with the opener if I don't help." He smiled.. Got one in return. The big male stood and walked back to the others. Made a sign. The others repeated it.. And relaxed somewhat. A Brother.. "One of you get over there and get the lad to a bunk. Sit with him. Talk to him.. Pat his hand.. Hell, Pat his Ass if it will calm him down." One of the foxes jumped to do as the Shepherd commanded. "If you don't have any wine, I do.." The other fox got busy scaring up a bottle. The canine draped a hand over the wolf's shoulder. "Now.. Tell me what happened here.." Tyron spoke in hushed tones about the skunk. "Tinm and Larrl had a spat. The pansy didn't want to come. Said he would rather stay.. Yeah. And mop the floor with his tongue while a bunch of Bastards laughed. That's how I found him.. Got beat up for putting my nose in, But I saved his hide. And Then he falls for Another.." Smiled as the arm squeezed his shoulder in a friendly manner. "I too have lost Lovers.. Most to the arms of Eternal Sleep. Somebody said once that War is Hell. I would have to add, To the survivors.." The fox stood. "Success.. And five cups." * * * Not quite half-an-hour had past, and they were laughing and rubbing each other's legs and wishing the bottle wasn't so empty. "Much better.." The canine said, giving each a muzzle-press and getting a lustful one in return. "I'm Still not sure I want to go.." A huff. "Larrl, Now what did I tell Ye?" The skunk sniffed. "But.. But.." Shandon shook his head. "Give us a hug." The black-furred animal almost vanished against the dark robe. Then he was moved back and kissed.. One of the foxes growled.. "I do believe your lover is jealous." The skunk snorted.. Held the male's muzzle against his for a moment more. "Now.. I want no more such talk. Understand? You are going to Fort Deur. For the same reason all the young lads are.. To find a New Life. Right?" The males nodded and muttered. "Is That the best you can do? What a load of Old Poofs!" They jerked their heads up, stunned. "You may as well stayed back on shore and let them pelt you with fruit.." A growl.. The canine grabbed Tinm by the shoulders. "That's what I want to hear! Now.. Where is the rest of yer spines? Are ye males or are ye not!" There was a half-hearted rumble. "I don't believe it! Look, If you Ladies want to sit on yer perfumed arses and crochet doilies, that's fine by me. But when you are dumped in the wilderness, and some soldier comes up to you, snarling about you being a twink, You'd better Snarl 'Damnded Rights I am!' right back, And pop him one in the chops. Else yer tail will be decorating some bar and if Yer Lucky they will only shave yer hair off and sell ya to the natives.." They stared at him like he was crazy.. "Look Lads. It's no sin to enjoy mating with another male. Just remember.. You Are Male. Act Like One.. And if you have to.. Fake it!" They giggled. "One last thing. You can look at the males all you want. But if you touch.. What the Captain Doesn't cut off, I will! There will be plenty of time for slap-and-tickle when you get to the Fort. And unless you want to arrive Tailless, Watch your manners.. Captain's ticked Enough at Me. No use adding to the burden with You Lot.." They all held hands for a moment.. "Now I for one intend to back to my Cabin and sleep.. Try to keep it down to a dull roar, Eh?" They laughed and hugged and kissed.. Then let the male out. The wolf stood at the door. "Keep an eye on him.. If he pulls through the next few days, he should be alright. Any sign of trouble, You get one of those foxes over to my cabin. I'm Up Forward.. Name's Shandon." The wolf nodded. "Which Clan? I am a Tree-Mover." The symbol of a Walking Tree was on a medallion around the fur's neck. The Shepherd looked up then down the deck. Winked at the waiting fox. Then cupped his hands.. As the animal watched, a miniature lizard appeared.. Flame poured out of the nostrils as the scaly head tilted back to roar. Then it was gone.. "Commander Rehas Shandon, Dragon's Flame Brigade. Or what's left of it.." The canine's clasped arms. "A Pleasure to meet you, Sir. And yes, I Will keep you abreast of what goes on. A question. Why the interest? Besides being a Fellow Brother.." The Shepherd sighed. "My Captain was a Striped Skunk. After he lost a leg, Saaj decided to settle down. Raise a Family.. Far as I know, he still runs the Dragon's Inn in Frontier.. But I have always had a soft spot for Males. Had to Bury too Damned many Sons to want to have one of my own.. Of course I am not Unfond of Females, Either.. Hell. There's been times a knothole in a Tree would have sufficed!" They both laughed. "G'Nite Commander.." A grin. "G'Nite Clan-Chief Tyron." They clasped hands and kissed. "Keep this up and I will have to Waddle Back!" The wolf shook his head and closed the door. "Bolt it.. Don't want somebody droppin in unexpectedly like.." And bolted it. The being nodded, and left for his own cabin. "Well?" He sighed. "One of the lads wanted to leave us.. I Think I talked him into staying." The fox stared at his back for a moment. "Would you like some company?" He stopped. "Only if ye can stand being a Friend and Not a Lover.." Traal smiled. And crossed the deck to take the fur by the arm. "Don't trust me, Eh?" He brought her hand up to kiss it. "Not until You are safely Wedded.." She smacked him lightly and shook her head. "Come on.. We can discuss Dress Fabric over a goblet of warm ale." The fox giggled and followed the male into his room. "I hear the Captain's got a frilly Blue one.." * * * The sun shone brightly in the cabin, making a body stir as it hit the closed eyes. They opened, expecting to hear the chatter of furs going about their morning duties. But instead there was an ominous silence. The eyes opened wider. Blinked.. Then the head exploded, and with a groan, was wrapped in a pair of furry arms. They fell back to discover they were alone in the bunk.. So who was sawing logs? The head turned to take in a form huddled on the floor, wrapped in a long cloak. Aha! Well.. 'So. Put me on the bed and lay on the floor..' How best to show affection for such a noble attitude? Of Course! The fox carefully lifted the blanket off, and stealthily made her way over to the male. Then, with a grin and a mock-snarl, jumped on top of the bundle.. To be bodily tossed! In a Heartbeat, the male was on top of her, a dagger inches from her throat, and death in his eyes.. Traal opened her mouth to scream... Then Shandon blinked. Saw who was under him.. The fox gasped when the male dropped the dagger, to lay on top of her, pressing his sweaty head to her chest. "Forgiveness, My Lady.." It was only then she realized they were both naked. And Giggled.. "You're heavy.." He lifted up.. And noticed the same thing. "Uh.. Um. Oh My.." The fox giggled again. She wasn't sure whose face was redder, hers or his! And squirmed.. "Mmm.. I kinda Like this.. A question." He stared at her. "What's that hard, long thing digging into my stomach?" The male popped up like a spring-box clown. Tried to cover himself, To put a scowl on his face, To grab a piece of cloth.. And finally just let everything drop. "What the hell.. I haven't got anything you haven't seen on your Brother." She didn't bother to tell him her Older Brother Never let her see him Undressed.. So the fox smiled and lifted up onto her elbows, taking a Good, Long look. He grinned back, and bent down over her.. To retrieve his dagger! "Kiss me.." He did that also. Then put the weapon in a sheath and gathered his bedding.. Washed his face, and started a pot of tea. "Well My Lady.. Are you going to lay there All day, or shall we dress and Try to explain to those who are about to knock on the door what we did all night. Together.. Alone..." Traal gasped as the implications hit. She hastily dressed, Thanked the fur, and was out the door in a run. Much to the delight of those already up.. The Shepherd grinned and closed it behind her. * * * "How was she?" Shandon looked out to sea. It was now early afternoon. Plenty of time for the story to get around.. "How was Who?" The spaniel nudged him. "You know.. The fox." "Couldn't say.." The dog grinned wider. "Come on. We're both Men of the World.. Ye can tell me.." The fur looked at him. "Alright." He shifted, noticing more than one ear was turned his way. "I invited her in.." Mutterings went around the ship as what was being said was relayed. The Spaniel's eyes got shiny.. "Yeah?" "We talked about This 'n' That, Over some warm ale.." The canine was growling softly and rubbing his hands.. "And then She passed out." More muttering, as embellishments were added to the tale. A nasty grin was mirrored by the lust shining in the dark eyes of the male. "Ya tossed her in the bunk Then, Eh?" "Well, I did pick her up and lay her on the bed, Yes.." A pair of ears were turning red to crimson as their owner was getting nudged and grinned at by her shipmates. "Did ya rip her clothes off?" The Shepherd snorted. "And why should I do That For?" The dog stopped in mid-slaver. "Why So.. So.." "DId I undress her, yes. Uniforms are not bed attire, And are the Devil to get wrinkles out of.." More winks and nudges.. The fur continued, "It was a cool night, So I draped a blanket over her. And.. Ah!" Grabbed his lower side. "I slept on the floor.. Much to the determent of my Back." Shandon grinned and pressed a hand to the hanging jaw, closing it. "Sorry to burst your rather lascivious Bubble.." He didn't Look Sorry.. "My feelings towards Traal are As a Daughter, Not as a Lover. However, You are kinda cute.." Then turned and walked down the deck to see about helping a couple of the lads move a stubborn crate, leaving a canine to do a slow burn as laughter went around the ship. * * * "It 'ain't worth it Markie.." The Spaniel growled and fingered his dagger. "No Twink makes a Fool of Me!" One of the others shook his head. "He don't Act like any fig I ever seen.. And that Lizard-Sticker on his back Ain't fer show, either.." All discussion was cut short when the dirk slammed into the table. "I don't Care! I Want his Tail.." Which led to an escapade one night as Rowena was walking along forecastle.. "Ah, Good day, Captain." The wolf stood a moment, taking in the spectacle of two males locked in an embrace. "And Just what is going on here?" They parted, showing both were armed. "Just showing this Gentleman some of the finer points of sword-play. Such as.." The Shepherd slammed a booted foot into the other's crotch. The Spaniel turned white, dropped his sword and fell over. "Never underestimate your opponent.." Rowena scowled at the male. "Mister Shandon.. It looks to me like you were fighting.." The male looked scandalized. "Me? Fight?" He waived a hand. "Perish the thought.. Besides isn't fighting prohibited on board?" She nodded. "Punishable by time in the Brig?" She nodded again.. "Then we Definitely were Not Fighting. Now, if you will excuse us, I believe the lad would like to lie down for a few, and I could do with a cup of tea." He helped the male up and got the blade from it's place on deck. "By your leave.." She growled but allowed the pair to leave. One of the males took him. "What happened?" Shandon shook his head. "We were discussing techniques, when he stepped on a loose board. Caught him right in the cod-piece.." They winced sympathetically. * * * The 'crew' of the Filly were all in their quarters and were well on the way to killing a third bottle of wine. They were talking about the men, the new lives that would come in the morning.. And a certain Canine. Tisal hiccupped.. "You.. You know all the time we were on that floor, he Never touched me?" They giggled. Mara stretched. "Alright.. Give. You were discussing Something with him the other night. Something Important, by the Blush on yer cheeks when ya left his Cabin.." The fox shrieked, while thee others laughed and rolled around. "Yes, Tell.. Tell.. Tell..." Beset, the vixen gasped and stood unsteadily. "Alright! If you Must know.. We were talking about Children." She sat on the couch and sighed. Then smiled. "He says, 'Now I ain't gonna Lie to Ya. There is only One way to have Children. You have to have a male mate with ya.'" One of the Females huffed. "We Know That!" The fox nodded. "Yes, But There are Different ways to mate.. He told me. 'First, If ya want ta fool around.. And Ya Will. It may be the moon, and too much wine. He says all the Right things, and now you are both naked.. Unless you want to Marry Him, Remember.. You have Three Holes, They is called Orifices, But by the time ya say Orifice, ya is on yer back and he is gasping like an overworked steam-engine.'" They giggled. " 'First of all you have two hands.. Use them. Use Them To Make Damn Sure he Doesn't Get between Yer Legs. And you have a mouth. Don't look so shocked.. Ya stick his dick in yer muzzle and go at it until he goes crazy and you get a mouthful of stuff. It's called Semen. Seed.. Baby-Makers. If you like the taste, swallow.. I do.'" She stopped a moment, letting this sink in.. "Traal, You mean to tell us he was a..." The fox grinned. "Worse.. When I gave him That look, he says, 'Why do I feel like an Uncle who has just informed his niece he enjoys wearing frilly lace panties under his Knickers?' I laughed.. 'Or you can take it under the Tail.. You heard me.. Under the Tail. Remember, You are love-struck and wanton.. I am only giving you some advice in case you want to Dump the Bastard Later..'" They all looked shocked. "He Didn't say That?!" The fox nodded.. "'How do I know so much about Women? I've lain with Many a Female.. Don't look at me like that. I am Bi.. That means, I like Variety. Males, Females.. What should I care? Love is Love.. And holding a being next to you and stroking their shoulders and giving them a kiss Does Not make me Queer! Holding my little finger from my Tea cup and lithping, and ogling all the male bodies does!'" "I had to laugh again.. He was so Funny! But a bit sad as well. I asked him about Marriage.. He said I was too young. I smacked him and he chuckled.. 'Marriage is for the Sit-at-home types.. Not someone who may be dead in a week. In my line of Work, Death is a Professional Hazard. So one learns to avoid entanglements..' Then he dropped his head. What a Sad, Wonderful Man.. Let's hope our Loves are as Noble." They agreed and drank a toast to the male who stood, watching the harbor lights come closer. He smiled himself, hearing the titters and squeals from the crew's quarters.. Amongst other places. Then shrugged and went back into his own cabin. * * * The ship docked without incident.. Well, almost. There was a small parade. A tousle over a slight.. And not a whole lot else. However, the night before the door to an Inn near the wharf opened and a bunch of cloaked men entered. They milled around so much that even they were only fifteen in number, they seemed an Army.. Soon they were the Only patrons. One of them went up to the ferret who was the owner and ordered food, wine and bread. "We also require rooms, at least 3.." He eyed the throng.. "Looks more like a dozen or so. I have no one in at the moment, so I can rent ye 8 rooms.. A Silver each. In advance.." Eight silver coins dropped into his palm. The animal grinned and sent one of his many children up to make sure the pots were clean and the beds made. The bunch ate well, drank a bit and made some nasty remarks about the servant girls.. But none got molested. At least, Not Too badly.. A fondle of an ample rear or a hand stroking a large bosom wasn't exactly unwelcome. But Nobody got taken upstairs Either.. * * * "Ships in Sight!" A young wolf rapped on walls and kicked bunks.. "Ships in Sight.. Get up and Drop That Dick. You don't know who it's been in!" They groaned and laughed and got cleaned up. Out of chests came shirts ringed with steel. Breeches with buckles of Silver and trimmed with gold Thread. On the back of each Jacket was the head of a Dragon, spouting Flame. Under it were the names of Battles Won and Friends Lost. Above it was the Herald "The Dragon's Flame Freeman Mercenary Brigade." On each arm were Patches of Rank and Valor.. "Someone'd better roust the General.." They grinned and drew lots. The Sergeant who got the shortest shook his head.. "If I ain't back in an hour, start the orgy without me!" They all laughed.. The grizzled fur knocked on the door. "Sir.. Tis Jonsin. Time to be leavin.." A groan. The sound of feet shuffling on the boards as their commander came to the door. "What's that?" The Wolverine grinned. So.. "Ship's comin'in, Sir. Time to be dressin.. Need help?" He drooled, fantasizing about sinking his teeth into the well-muscled butt. "Perhaps.." The bolt was pulled back. The animal pushed the door open, his pants ballooning.. To find his Lord already dressed and ready. All except his boots.. "Bastard!" He muttered. Then grinned and helped the creature with the last bit of shining. * * * A Groundhog who was sleeping in a corner, grumbled at the noise, then gasped watching the group gather in the main room. Steel, silver, brass and gold shone on the uniforms.. Then it was the Innkeeper's turn as the one whose likeness each solder bore on his back came down the stairs. "Everybody ready?" A chorus of Aye's.. "Good. Assemble in the street.. And don't take out the doorway." They laughed and shuffled out, leaving three beings to stare at each other. Which became a half-dozen as the Ferret's children came out to look the creature over.. The scaly hide gleamed in the morning light. One golden eye smiled at them from under a half-closed lid. "What's the matter? Never seen a Lizard before?" One of the boldest of the little ones came from out of a nook, and rubbed the glittering tail. "It's Real!" he squeaked.." A smile. "Indeed, it is Lad.." "General.." came from the street, making the youth gawk even harder. "We shall return later for the morning repast.. If is convenient..." The animal stammered a reply and hastily made preparations. The reptile bowed, then went out the door to stand before the column. Early-morning patrons quite forgot purchases, Children yipped and pointed, despite many a boxed ear. "Dragon's Fire Brigade. Assemble.. Hut!" They formed a square, four abreast. "Ready? Ho!" With ribbons flying and metal shining, the squad headed for the dock. * * * They all sighed. "Come On.. Captain's Waiting. And so are our Husbands.." They grinned and walked off ship and into their New lives. And almost missed all the commotion.. "What's going on?" One of the crowd growled something about some dignitary being met by a bunch of gussied-up soldiers.. They also took the pansies with them. "And good riddance!" Rowena wasn't too sure.. She fingered the medallion around her neck then huffed and followed her Mate-To-Be down the docks.. The End <+===================+> Rowena Funt, Mr. Gibbons, Seaman Gryphith and The Crimson Filly Are from a short story in Zu by Dean Graf and Terrie Smith. All other names are ones I thought appropriate.. What is Not (c) Mu Press is (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society. As with all my material, This is Public Domain. Don't Like It, Write Your Own.. And my eternal gratitude to both Terrie Smith and Dean Graf for their most wonderful stories.. Zu - $4.25 (That includes postage) From MU Press 5014-D Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98105