WAITING2.TXT By Afril (cl) 2000 - GFA Based on a picture by E. Elliott He sat on the wall, one leg tucked under the other, bushy tail hanging beside him. 'Fool! You should have Kissed him..' Now it was too late. He sips on his wine, not caring the cold spray from the ocean is wetting his back, his tail. It was alright to worry about what they would have said Then - 2 males pressing muzzles. The sniggers, the taunts.. Now - Now the ship was overdue by 3 days and a storm may be coming in. Cursing himself for a fool, he stood and looked out at the gray expanse. 'Have you taken Him? Have you taken My Lover Poseidon? With my last breath I will damn you if you have..' He sits again, and holds his sides, a tear trickling down one furry cheek. Another watches, also grieving.. He would give Anything to hold the male, to comfort him.. To hold him and take him in loving arms - Be it for a few hours or forever. But the few times the male has tried in the past, he was met with sharp words, mocking him as if he was common as dust. He could not accept such rejection again.. So he too waits - Hoping the male will see him. Maybe ask something, Say something.. Anything that will allow him to wedge the door open a little. An excuse to touch the form he aches for, dreams of at night when he can't sleep. But the male walks by without noticing him at all. As his heart turns to ash in his chest he turns and walks home, knowing they will both be at the docks tomorrow. Both long for what they can not have - At least as yet. But tomorrow is another day and may yet bring joy.. So the 2 lost ships of flesh do hope. The End