BARK.TXT - M/F, Semi-NC/Oral/Language - Human/Dog - 06/07/02 A batch of tails about talking canines By SwampRat (cl) 2001 GFA Take one cute commercial about Dogs that can talk (Famous last words, "But I Love you..."), Add a snippet from Dr. Dolittle About a German Shepherd going on for That Operation ( BARK2.TXT ), Mix with a Very Dirty mind, and out comes these tails... Unsure if these are Zoo - The 'animals' are intelligent. Or Furry - The 'animals' are non-anthro, or none of the above. Tail one - Commercial Out-takes Human: "But I love you..." Dog: "Yeah Sure.. So why you have been so cold to me lately? It's that Setter across the way, Isn't it.. Don't shush Me! I don't care if we Are in public.. I want to know why you haven't been humping me lately? You used to love fingering my cunt, and 'Hiding the Bone' was our weekly past-time. Am I getting too Old? So I can't go all night any more, I still lick your dick every morning, don't I? Love me.. Hah!" Director: "CUT!!!" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tail 2 - Pup Talk "Mama...." "Yes, Daughter?" "I.. I met a Guy. He is the Sweetest, gentlest, Most..." "Whoa.. DId you meet a Guy, or a Human?" "Mama! You know I wouldn't bring shame on our family Like That... Besides, What would I do with another Dog? I don't want Puppies, I just want Sex." *Chuckle* "That's my Daughter. So when do I get to meet this new lover of yours? Does he smell healthy? And you be careful when he does slide it under your tail..." "Mama! You would make a Mutt put his tail under his belly... He smells like a Hot male in rut. And I love the way his dick feels in my muzzle as I suck on him." "That's all and good, Girl, but you make sure he is going to Adopt you, before you go falling for him. He may just be looking for a hot piece of Tail.. Or another female in his pack. I was Lucky - Both my Master And his sexy son like to take me to bed. If it wasn't for the fact I was left alone for an evening, and your Father nailed me, I wouldn't have had You... So you suck him and you hump him, but you Wait until you make sure he is good stock before you let him any deeper, Hear?" "Yes, mama.. Oh, he's calling me. See you soon." * * * * "There you are... I was worried about you. Come on.. I need to get a collar for you before I take you back to the Dorm and have you Meet the other Guys - Maybe get a 4-way going..." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tail 3 - More pup talk There was a time when you would walk into supermarkets, there would be boxes of kittens and puppies, needing 'A Good Home'. So here is a box, with a couple of cute puppies, watching people walk by. "Hey Mister, Pick me.." "Forget Him.. I am cuter." "Hey, you want someone to suck your dick? Peter will do that.." "Wha.. What are you talking about Frank? I don't suck..." "I saw you doing Dad.. If you can take That in your little muzzle, I bet you can take a Human." "Liar! I never.. Take that back!" "Yeah - Maybe he doesn't want one of you Boydogs.. I bet he wants a cute Girldog to lay on his tummy and lick his dick for him." "First someone needs to be housebroken, Puddles... Hey, Where ya going? Come back, Mister.. Kibbles!" "That's the fifth one you scared off today with that muzzle of yours Frank.. And at least I can suck on Dad, LittleMuzzle." "Hmph.. Boys." "Oh yeah, Miss 'I can't get laid for 6 more months'.. Like you would know anything." "Pipe down.. Here comes another Human - Hey Mister, Pick Me!" The End