Matthew McAndrews' Modem Problems »  Who's Who? - Vicky Kitsune      

Vicky is the adopted daughter of Kuan Yin. But Vicky is also a Kitsune... a Fox spirit... and Familiar to Kuan Yin.
Although people that meet her think she's a real air-head she is actually very smart and cleaver. But, like most
Kitsune she is unbelievably lazy! Why be in a hurry to learn anything when you are going to live for a thousand years
and are practically unkillable? So she learns what she thinks she needs to know. She only recently learned to read.

As a spirit creature, electricity tends to work erratically around her depending on the phase of the moon. Under a
new moon electricity works normally but under a full moon, for example, if she used a T.V. remote she could launch
a rocket in Russia.

Vicky is a shape-shifter that normally appears to be a Red Fox Vixen.
Characters and Art © 2001-2015 by Matthew McAndrews
Website © 2001-2015 by Karl Maurer.