
        Colian (ko-lion) is the site of terrible massacre, one that occured over five centuries ago when the two cepn factions, the blood-drinkers (Nizril) and fruit-eaters (Kizril) came into conflict. The peaceful, dream-revering kizril were all but wiped out by their aggressive cousins, led by a council of assassins still loyal to the Spiral Order. The island was set aflame, and the virtually defenseless kizril were overrun and executed as heretics for refusing to partake in the sacred killing rituals. The entire process lasted less than a year, with the last of the kizril refugees being rounded up and sacrificed before the island was abandoned forever. It was a dark period, even for the cepn.

        All that's left of the kizril is a few ruins, demonstrating the terrible effectiveness of the nizril conquest. Numerous temples to Nyx and Kij can be found in the high, misty peaks that cover the island, all defiled and gutted by fire. Many cepn bones can be found here, often in loose piles or shallow, uncovered graves. Hollow and light as they are, most are in poor shape. A study of the other ruins will reveal that the kizril lived in the jungle itself rather than caves, which are rare on Colian. What's more, from the faded, damaged murals, it is clear that the kizril also accepted members of other races, some of which may have been escaped nizril blood-prey. This was clearly one of the contributing factors to what went on here. Also present are signs of suicide; clearly the kizril were so afraid of their violent cousins that many chose to poison themselves before their last defenses were breached.

        Unlike Noctae, this island was never cloaked in shadow lamps; the kizril avoided making deals with the Spiral even before their real agenda was known. The island is covered in rainforest and extremely tall, tapered peaks, much like the mountains of southern China. It was on the tops of these sacred mountains that the kizril built their temples of worship, while their more humble dwellings were generally located in the jungles below. Even in the wake of the Twilight war, the kizril kept their faith; it is believed that they sheltered here during the endless winter that followed, praying for a sun they never knew they needed.

The Rod of Noctaris

        In truth, the Spiral's own agenda weighed heavily in the decision to eradicate the kizril. They sought a relic known as the Rod of Noctaris. Like the fabled Rod of Solaria, it is reputed to open a gateway between Rym and the twilight realm of the shadow goddess. The rod was held by the kizril for nearly a thousand years before it was lost during the invasion of Colian. The Spiral were made to believe that the rod had been destroyed, while in fact it was secreted away by the last member of the kingdom's royal family, and buried somewhere on the island. Not a living soul knows of its whereabouts. The shadows are another matter.

        Throughout the island, the ghosts of the long-dead kizril remain in the form of sentient shadows. Though largely powerless, these shadowy beings will always attempt to frighten off any who come here to loot the remains of their former kingdom. The shadow-shapes are actually a product of the rod's magic; they will not chase away those who would serve its designs. Like many artifacts crafted by divine beings, the rod possesses a rudimentary consciousness and self-awareness, and will call out to those who still dream of Nyx. Though dead, the shadow goddess' spirit remains, sewn throughout the fabric of Noctaris. In truth, Noctaris is just a shadowy road that winds behind reality, and leads to Nyx's ruined kingdom on the moon of Zunat.
