The City of Sin

        This tropical port city is the capital city of the Tamaran Empire, a place of tantilizing delights, decadence, and corruption. It is a city of contrasts, of wealthy slavers and merchants, mercenaries for hire, assassins, and gladiators. It is here where the majority of the Decider's ill-gotten goods are shipped, fed to the greedy masses in exchange for loyalty. Here the party never stops, and every day is a festival or feast. Space within the walled city is limited, and the population is strictly controlled. In order to become a citizen, one must join a bidding list to determine their place in line, or be born there (even then there are costs). The city's chief import and export is pleasure; the streets lined with exotic drug dens, brothels that cater to every taste imaginable, gambling parlors, arenas, and an open black market where pillaged goods are bought, sold, and traded. The pace of this decadence is set by the hedonistic gorgs, who are often amused by the devastating long-term effect their lifestyle has on other species. This gluttony also promotes early death (or bankrupty - basically the same thing), which makes space for new, younger, more comely citizens. Even the considerable slave population must meet certain standards of appearance, with unwanted elements ending up in the arena, or on the menu.

        Sin is a very dangerous town. Instead of dealing with greengrocers and peasants, one has to contend with pirates, slavers, and mercenaries. These unsavory citizens are all too willing to take advantage of the slightest weakness or naivety, and those who let their guards down can end up dead in a hurry. Anyone causing trouble, or caught without their citizenship documents, will either end up in the slave market, the arena, or the stockade (which might be worse than the other two put together). Public executions are alarmingly common, many arranged by the Decider herself to eliminate those that she's grown bored of, or those that have gotten onto her bad side. In essence, anyone who goes out of style is at risk of being shuffled off the mortal coil to make room for the new and fashionable.

        The little known fact about Sin is that it's actually built atop the ruins of an ancient Creator city. During the great war, terrible floods anihilated the majority of costal cities, and in this case, the ruins were used as the site for the Decider's capital over two thousand years later. All that's left is the perfect geometrical foundation, upon which Sin itself is built, and the deep canals that run through it. These canals allow even large ships to enter the city, most carrying goods, slaves, or new citizens from the Erdani mainland.

The city is the personal playground of the Decider; everything within it is considered her property, even the lives of the citizens. She has the near-absolute loyalty of her subjects, both locally and throughout the empire, through a combination of bribery, addiction, and fear. The Tarmaran lifestyle is said to be godlike, a reflection of the Creator Empire that once ruled all of Rym. Nobody wants to revolt against someone whose people took on the gods and won, it seems. Even if they did, the vast majority would come to her defense for fear of losing their opulent lifestyles. In fact, there are so few political dissidents that the empire often has to set some up just to make examples of them. Brutal public executions are common, even outside the arena, just so that everyone can see how horrible it is to be the Decider's enemy.


The Decider's Palace Mercantile District Slave District Upper Market District Arcanar Guild Campus Port Bazaar Stadium District Park District Military District