Password Recovery


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The @name command is used to change an object's name. This requires ownership of the object in question. The syntax is @name <object>=<name>, where <object> can be it's current name, or some unique portion of it, or the dbref of the object.

Thing, Room and Program Names

These are fairly unrestricted and can be quite long. Most notably, they can not start with a #, to differentiate themselves from dbrefs.

Exit Names

Exits/actions functionally have multiple names. This is actually stored as a single string separated by semicolons. A common example is an exit that is a direction, such as north. It's common to give one or more abbreviations for the direction so the user does not have to type "north" in full. So:

@name #1234=north;n

This will allow a user to type either 'north' or 'n' to go through that exit.

Note, if you want to rename an exit by name, you have to use one of it's sub-names. So @name north;n=newname will not work. You would have to @name north=newname.

See gen-obv-exits for more information on exit naming conventions.

Player Names

If you try and @name yourself you will get the error message: Only wizards can rename players. This is incorrect. You make use the @renameme command to change your name once a week. This command does a number of checks that help limit abuse of renaming characters, which is also the reason for the cool-down.

Only cases where names are deemed to be accidentally in violation of the MUCK Policies will you be allowed to rename with in the seven day cooldown. Cases were they are deemed to be intentionally in violation of the Policies will instead result in toading.

See Also
