FREILU (The Frozen Lands)
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        Haun is the south-eastern tier of Penduk, a land of temperate savanah, low hills, and swampy lowlands. Haun is the home of the wolf-like skoles, a proud people that wandered the plains long before the time of the Creators. Kij brought those few she had saved back to their ancient homeland, and they began to flourish once more, never faltering from their ageless traditions and rich heritage. Though nomadic, they did not attempt to spread their territory past the ancient borders, and even after thousands of years of extinction, their noble code of honor and kinship remained intact. Seven of the ten original tribes managed to recover, and within a thousand years their numbers were nearly as high as they once were.

It was the brutal czath that the Spiral employed to help fight the skoles in their initial expansion into Haun. In exchange for their loyal servitude, the czath were spared by the servants of the Eater, and enslaved by the white dust, awsil. The reptillian brutes, driven mad by the dust, made up for inferior skill, conviction, and weaponry by the sheer weight of numbers. Along with their new allies, the Spiral overtook the jungle lowlands and exterminated the skoles by the thousands, melting the rainforest into murky swamp with the power of the second siphon, Glut. The czath were subverted by the dark religion, adpoting the use of its icons in their crude tattoos and architecture after the fall of the Solinar order. Their roll was instrumental; the tremendous power wielded by the Solinar was limited to the destruction of their deity's natural enemy, the undead. Against the living reptillian thugs, the knights fared far worse.

The territory of Slank is the portion of Haun now controlled by the czath and the gorgs. The Spiral, too, have a controlling presence here, their officers and priests ruling over the dim-witted saurians with cruel efficiency. They have taught the czath that the are essentially worthless, to the point where they are quite convinced, and wish little more than to please their dark masters. They do this by roving further and further north, wiping out the skoles wherever they may be found, and bringing the corpses back to the Spiral as new recruits. The border between Haun and Slank is actually quite vague, shown here as a rough line around which lies a zone of perpetual conflicts between czath and skole. This region is known as the Divided Plateau. As the Spiral have no interest in expanding further north, however, they have stopped reinforcing the encroaching czath, and thus their progress has been slowed greatly. Without the intelligence of Spiral generals and the added ranks of undead, the skoles once again have the upper hand.

Another item of note is the technology rating given to the active ruins. It's a scale from one of the expansions used to describe relative technology. For instance, a rating of 2 would be the equivalent of, say, the Gogs, whereas the descritpion of a technological 20 might be something akin to Star Trek. The average AD&D setting would probably be a 10-12, and consequently will have absolutely no understanding of the ruins, which have an average rating of 19. As a rule of thumb, a character has only a 1% chance per point of intelligence of figuring out the function of the strange devices, though often their purpose might seem obvious.

As a side note, I am aware that a number of serious gamers shudder at the thought of technology in their medieval campaigns. I fully understand the concern; one does not want a bunch of adventurers walking around with railguns and grenades. Most of the 'technological' aspect is purely for story value, and for variety. Also, though I'm not afraid to bend the rules a bit, I thought it would be more comforting if I just had the big scary devices mimic spells and magic items. Same book, different cover.

This frigid terrain is perpetually covered in ice and snow. Icepacks are either regions of frozen ocean or the top of large glaciers. There is no native vegetation and very little native life. Snow and unchallenged winds slow movement and a lack of natural landmarks make it easy to get lost. Tundra is simply frozen plains, frequented by hardy heard animals and even hardier lichens and vegetation. Some skole tribes make their homes in this terrain.

Rym's oceans are barely salinated at all, and remarkably clear. The shallow regions are relatively safe, especially by boat, though the deepest regions are portals to even deeper subterranean seas and thus home to all manner of dark leviathans that rarely see the light of the surface. Reefs are veritable forests of life in the otherwise vast expanses of sandy shallows, and team with all manner of colorful (and occasionally deadly) creatures.


Dwarven City Dwarven City Dragon's Lair Nigh's Scar Khatrai Ruins Creator Ruins Settlement Wasteland Settlement Settlement Creator Ruins Ruins