Password Recovery


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The 2016 update to the building policy comes almost twenty five years after the Muck itself was founded. Since then, much has changed both in technology and socially with the system. Restrictions in building focus more on social aspects rather than technological ones now as, realistically, storage and transmission costs are negligible for normal building use.

There are three fundemantal goals of this policy. The first is to restrict database growth from becoming performance crippling or otherwise a threat to the operation of the system. This is addressed as quotas and covers all types of building. Later rules go into linking your building into the overall build of the Muck in topology and theme. This addresses public and personal building. The third is discussion of the requirments of people that wish to build public hangouts on the Muck. Finally there is an additional note about private building not being allowed to become a draw away from the core of the Muck.


Quotas are currently expressed imperfectly as a restrictions on the number of objects you own. This limit by default is 100 objects. People who own public building may make a case for more.

Run-away property usage on objects via scripting should be avoided.

Unlinked Building

Unlinked building is defined as parts of the grid that can not be reached from the public areas on the Muck, and is not considered part of the 'cannon' world except for private role-playing.

The primary restriction on building that is not linked to the core of the Muck is that it not become such a big thing that it becomes a distraction from the core goals and areas of the Muck. What is allowed is whatever else you can build in your quota with out damaging the Muck. Unfortunately it is dificult to define the line here leaving it in the we will know it when we see it territory. The goal however is to allow small private communities (friends-only role-playing groups for example) to exist as long as they do not seriously draw away from the mission of the Muck, as well as of course your personal space.

Linked Bulding
