New User Guide
From Tapestries MUCK
This is a guide for new users that wish to join Tapestries MUCK.
Contents |
Is Tapestries for You?
Tapestries MUCK is a BDSM themed Furry MUCK. This themes involving BDSM and furries in sexual situations. Further, all players are expected to interact as non-human characters. It is a free form roleplaying environment with no combat or other gaming system.
If this interests you, then Tapestries may be a good place for you. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, you may wish to go somewhere else.
Read the Policies
The Policies are the Terms of Service (TOS) of the Muck. You are expected to know and understand them to play on the system.
Creating a Character
Creating the actual character is a muti-step process:
- Make sure that you are not blocking mail from You need to receive your email to be able to complete this process.
- Fill out the Registration Form.
- Double check your email address and character name.
- Write down your character name and password.
- Submit the form.
- You may have to do this again if the character name you selected is already taken, see the below section for help there.
- Check your email.
- Email is sent to you immediately on completing the form, it includes a key you must use to authenticate your request.
- Authenticate your email address following the directions in the email you received.
- Wait 48 to 72 hours for the form to be processed, and check your mail.
- When the process is complete you will receive email notifying you that your character is ready to play.
Choosing a Character Name
With 18,500+ accounts on Tapestries MUCK at this time, it's sometimes hard to find a name that is free. In a roleplaying environment names like Andy99 are somewhat frowned on. Thus it's usually wise to make something up that is unique to your character.
If you really want that first name, sometimes adding a made up lastname can help. You only have twenty characters, so this can be difficult at times. The normal way to add a last name is in the format of Firstname_Lastname.
If you can't come up with something on your own, get help! The Fantasy Name Generator is a great tool for this.
Getting a Client
You need a special client to use a MUCK with out a lot of suffering. See MUCK Clients. There are plenty of free ones for every operating system imaginable, so this should not cost you a dime.
Logging in the First Time
Your client program will need to know a few things to log you into Tapestries:
- The name of the Muck: Tapestries MUCK
- The address of the Muck:
- The port of the Muck: 2069
- Your character name.
- Your character's password.
It may also need to know what type of system it is. Look for an option that resembles TinyMUCK or TinyMUD if it asks.
At this point, you should be able to connect to the Muck, and start using it.
Setting up your Character
When you first arrive on the Muck, you will be asked to do some basic setup of your character. The text you get will be rather long, and often scroll off the screen when followed by the bulletin and other information. You can review the text with the command look. The three tasks listed must be completed before the Muck will allow you to enter the rest of the gaming world.
All of these things can be changed at a later date, so these are not life altering decisions.
Setting your Character's Sex or Gender
Information about your character's sex (or gender; see below) is stored on a property on your character. There are several ways to set it, but the easiest is with the command listed when you logged in:
@set me=sex:female
@set me=sex:male
You can set your sex to be anything you really want, not just male or female. For example, there are many intersex characters wandering the Muck, often choosing to describe themselves as hermaphrodites or she-males.
Due to its age, the Muck software often cannot make a clear distinction between sex and gender. The 'sex' property can also be used to represent information about your character's gender. In general, it's there to convey whatever about your character's gender or sex you feel is most important for others to know at first glance.
Setting your Character's Species
It is assumed that your character is a bipedal animal of some sort, so most of the time this is a fairly simple thing to do. The following commands are examples of how to set your species:
@set me=species:cheetah @set me=species:wolf @set me=species:badger
You can of course be anything you want with the exceptions listed in Policy Humans.
Describing your Character
When you look at someone, you will see a description of what their character looks like. This is the next thing you need to set. In general this should be described as the person will see when they look at your character, rather than telling them how they feel about it. Try and keep your description objective.
This will almost certainly take some work to flesh out later. Most descriptions range from 1000 to 2000 or more characters in length. The initial one you set here will likely be very short unless you are already experienced with Mud use.
This is an example of how to set a very basic description:
@desc me=You see a lanky cheetah wearing a black t-shirt and old worn jeans.
Entering the World of Tapestries
After you have set yourself up, you can enter the world of the Muck itself with the command furry. This will put you in the homeless shelter, from there you want to use the command out to exit onto Dragon's Way. There are usually a few people there, and you should see something like:
Town Center: Dragon's Way Dragon's Way, like many of the "roads" in the area, is simply a wide footpath. It is lined by thick pine trees on either side, with brass lamp posts spaced out along it. The buildings of the local government rest in the trees to each side, as well as a smaller path that wanders around the Town Hall and to the Temple Mount to the west. The path deadends to the north in a thick forest. Snow covers the land, crunchy under your paw, and an ocasional gust of wind blows the pouder around. The trails are only recognizable beacuse by the paths of compacted snow, otherwise lost under it. The sun is up and the lamps are out. The trees provide shade for most of the area, keeping the daylight pleasant. [ Obvious Exits: Temple Mount (temp), Fox Plaza (s), Stockades (e), Homeless Shelter (ne), Town Hall (w) ] Contents: Satinka Wyndmere Ario Umbri Angio Skippy
Getting Help
If you have problems with these directions and need assistance, you can use the command helpstaff, which will give you a list of people that can help you. These are volunteers who are offering their time to their fellow users to aid them using the Muck. An example of it's output is:
Displaying List: Helpstaff Status Name Problems Handled ------ ---- ---------------- [On Duty ] Haffie Gen. Help & Info for GNU-BEEs - NO Coding help. [Off Duty] Jobany General questions, no programming. [Off Duty] Dayan Char setup, building, descs, newbies, NO MPI/MUF [Idle 4h ] Rainbow Home Design & Layout|Counters|Looktraps|Random ?'s [On Duty ] Ryka Newbie Help, Char set-up, RP, Basic Cmds. [Idle 10m] Alps Character Setup/Interaction, RP, General Questions [Off Duty] Galis General Information [Idle 52m] Cherise Newbie, setups, simple MPI, etc. [On Duty ] Mairi General anythings [Idle 1h ] Kensaro Char Setup, Building, general knowhow. [Off Duty] Effsey guesties, newbies, furries & happy to help! [Off Duty] Arcturus Technical Support [Idle 1h ] Florenco MPI, Building, General Q&A, free code snippets. [Idle 5m ] Allester Newbie Help, Building, Command use, Navigation [On Duty ] Eskay Name change/deleting accounts [On Duty ] Anuba type cinfo Anuba ProblemsHandled If someone is listed as off duty, PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER THEM. Idling characters are on duty, but may be slow to respond.
Look for someone who is not Off Duty or very Idle. Someone who is idle 4h (four hours) is probably not going to be very responsive. Perferably you want someone listed as On Duty. You then can send them your question with the page command. You have to tell it who you want to talk to, and what message you want to send to them. For example:
page person=I am new to the muck and need help setting up my description.
Interacting with other Characters
Now that you are in the game, you can start interacting with it.
Getting Around
TinyMUCKs and TinyMUDs are made up of a series of areas called rooms (though the can represent outdoor areas as well) that are connected together through exits. You can look at the room you are in with the look command, and most rooms will show you a list of exits that go to other places on the Muck. For example:
[ Obvious Exits: Temple Mount (temp), Fox Plaza (s), Stockades (e), Homeless Shelter (ne), Town Hall (w) ]
Most exit lists will contain either a command to type, or a name of a destination and a command to type in parens. For example, Fox Plaza (s) means you would type the command 's' to go to Fox Plaza.
If you get lost, you can always go home with the to-home command.
You can also go to a number of public destinations directly using the tport command. For example, tport plaza will take you to Fox Plaza from anywhere on the Muck.
Talking to other Characters
There are several ways to talk to people. To talk to everyone in the current room you are in, you can either say or pose.
Speaking (say)
Say is a command that gives output as if you were speaking. For example:
say Testing say.
You say, "Testing say."
This command is so used that it has been given a single character abbreviation ("). So you can also:
"Testing say.
Actions (pose)
Posing (also called emitting on some systems) gives a line of text that follows your name. This allows you to roleplay your character performing an action. For example:
pose jumps up and down.
Yourname jumps up and down.
Like say, this can be abreviated to a single character (:). So you can also type:
:jumps up and down.
See Also
- cinfo - A command that lets you view and set character information.
- wixxx - A command that lets you view and set sexual preferences.
- MUCK Documentation Guide
- Online Play
- Recommended Reading