Password Recovery


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 * @package MediaWiki
# Copyright (C) 2004 Brion Vibber <brion@pobox.com>
# http://www.mediawiki.org/
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * Authentication plugin interface. Instantiate a subclass of AuthPlugin
 * and set $wgAuth to it to authenticate against some external tool.
 * The default behavior is not to do anything, and use the local user
 * database for all authentication. A subclass can require that all
 * accounts authenticate externally, or use it only as a fallback; also
 * you can transparently create internal wiki accounts the first time
 * someone logs in who can be authenticated externally.
 * This interface is new, and might change a bit before 1.4.0 final is
 * done...
 * @package MediaWiki
 * Setup:
 * wgFudForumDBDSN = "mysql://username:password@host/database";
 * require_once( "$IP/extensions/FUDForumAuthPlugin.php" );
 * $wgAuth = new FudForumAuthPlugin();
require_once( 'AuthPlugin.php' );
require_once( 'DB.php' ); # PEAR DB Module
class FudForumAuthPlugin extends AuthPlugin {
	var $email, $lang, $realname, $nickname;
	var $FudDB;
	 * Check whether there exists a user account with the given name.
	 * The name will be normalized to MediaWiki's requirements, so
	 * you might need to munge it (for instance, for lowercase initial
	 * letters).
	 * @param string $username
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
	function userExists( $username ) {
		# This is cheap, but should work since we are not allowing
		# account creation...
		return true;
	 * Check if a username+password pair is a valid login.
	 * The name will be normalized to MediaWiki's requirements, so
	 * you might need to munge it (for instance, for lowercase initial
	 * letters).
	 * @param string $username
	 * @param string $password
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
	function authenticate( $username, $password ) {
		if ($username == '' || $password == '')
			return false; # WTF
		if (!isset($this->FudDB)) $this->FudForumDBConnect();
		# Convert password
		$md5pass = md5( $password );
		# Note we check the name case insensitivly...
		$q = "SELECT * FROM fud_users WHERE LCASE(login) = LCASE(" . 
			$this->FudDB->quoteSmart($username) . ")";
		$result = $this->FudDB->query($q);
		if (PEAR::isError($result)) 
			die($result->getMessage() . ":" . $q);
	        if (!$result->numRows())
                	return FALSE;
        	$u = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
        	if ($md5pass != $u['passwd'])
			return FALSE;
		# Make a version of the found username conforming to Wiki
		# standards and recompare.
		$mungeuser = $u['login'];
		$mungeuser[0] = strtoupper($mungeuser[0]);
		if ($username != $mungeuser)
			return FALSE;
		# Ok, we are good.
		$this->isFudUser = true;
		$this->nickname = $u['login'];
		$this->realname = $u['name'];
		$this->email = $u['email'];
               	return TRUE;
	 * Modify options in the login template.
	 * @param UserLoginTemplate $template
	 * @access public
	function modifyUITemplate( &$template ) {
		$template->set( 'create', false );
		$template->set( 'useemail', false );
		$template->set( 'usedomain', false );
	 * Set the domain this plugin is supposed to use when authenticating.
	 * @param string $domain
	 * @access public
#	function setDomain( $domain ) {
#		$this->domain = $domain;
#	}
	 * Check to see if the specific domain is a valid domain.
	 * @param string $domain
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
#	function validDomain( $domain ) {
#		# Override this!
#		return true;
#	}
	 * When a user logs in, optionally fill in preferences and such.
	 * For instance, you might pull the email address or real name from the
	 * external user database.
	 * The User object is passed by reference so it can be modified; don't
	 * forget the & on your function declaration.
	 * @param User $user
	 * @access public
#	function updateUser( &$user ) {
		# Override this and do something
#		return true;
#	}
	 * Return true if the wiki should create a new local account automatically
	 * when asked to login a user who doesn't exist locally but does in the
	 * external auth database.
	 * If you don't automatically create accounts, you must still create
	 * accounts in some way. It's not possible to authenticate without
	 * a local account.
	 * This is just a question, and shouldn't perform any actions.
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
	function autoCreate() {
		return true;
	 * Set the given password in the authentication database.
	 * Return true if successful.
	 * @param string $password
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
#	function setPassword( $password ) {
#		return true;
#	}
	 * Update user information in the external authentication database.
	 * Return true if successful.
	 * @param User $user
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
#	function updateExternalDB( $user ) {
#		return true;
#	}
	 * Check to see if external accounts can be created.
	 * Return true if external accounts can be created.
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
	function canCreateAccounts() {
		return false;
	 * Add a user to the external authentication database.
	 * Return true if successful.
	 * @param User $user
	 * @param string $password
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
#	function addUser( $user, $password ) {
#		return true;
#	}
	 * Return true to prevent logins that don't authenticate here from being
	 * checked against the local database's password fields.
	 * This is just a question, and shouldn't perform any actions.
	 * @return bool
	 * @access public
	function strict() {
		return true;
	 * When creating a user account, optionally fill in preferences and such.
	 * For instance, you might pull the email address or real name from the
	 * external user database.
	 * The User object is passed by reference so it can be modified; don't
	 * forget the & on your function declaration.
	 * @param User $user
	 * @access public
	function initUser( &$user ) {
		if (isset($this->isFudUser) && $this->isFudUser)
			if ('' != $this->lang) {
			if ('' != $this->nickname) {
			if ('' != $this->realname) {
			if ('' != $this->email) {
			$user->mPassword = ''; # Not used
	 * If you want to munge the case of an account name before the final
	 * check, now is your chance.
	function getCanonicalName( $username ) {
		# All lowercase ain't allowed in Wikipedia
		if ( $username != '' )
			$username[0] = strtoupper($username[0]);
		return $username;
	# -----------------------------------------------------------
	 * Internal Stuff
	 * Init
	 * Does nothing right now...
	function FudForumAuthPlugin () {
	 * Connect to the database or croak
        function FudForumDBConnect ()
		global $wgFudForumDBDSN;
		$this->FudDB =& DB::connect($wgFudForumDBDSN);
		if (PEAR::isError($this->FudDB))
			die("FUD Forum Auth Plugin: " . 
				$this->FudDB->getMessage() .
				" at File: " . __FILE__ . " on line: " . __LINE__);
 * Add extension information to Special:Version
$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
	'name' => 'FUDForum Authentication Plugin',
	'version' => '1.0',
	'author' => 'Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson',
	'description' => 'Simplistic FUDForum Authentication Plugin.',
	'url' => 'http://www.fur.com/tapestries/wiki/FUDForum_Authentication'