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        Rym's mild axial tilt still brings about a yearly seasonal cycle, which plays an important part in the functioning of both elementals and elemental magic. Each season is tied to an element, and each element strengthens and weakens accordingly as the cycle perpetuates itself. Many rituals of ancient magic are closely linked to the seasonal changes (some even depend on them), though without the gods to govern their transition, these rituals have grown steadily weaker over the years. The year is 432 days in length, each season lasting 108 days, divided into early, middle, and late phases (months).

Spring (Thaw, Storms, Amber Solstice)

The night sky is filled with stellar activity as the Eater steadily sinks below the southern horizon, dragging shattered constellations behind it. The brightest of these emit wispy trails of burning gas, sucked from the surface of the stars as the vortex consumes them. Majestic blue and violet nebulae rise above the northern horizon, filled with the hazy white globes of newborn stars. Some of these are bright enough to be seen during the day.

  • Earth elements strengthened.
  • Air elements weakened.
  • Earth elementals at maximum power.
  • Air Elementals at minimum power.
  • Arka's constellation most visible in northern hemisphere.

    Summer (Flowers, Equinox, Starfall)

    The planet passes through a belt of stellar dust and comet fragments, causing the night sky to light up with falling stars. These meteor storms last for several days, and some of the falling debris is large enough to cause serious damage or start forest fires. The largest of these can be seen during the day, blazing burning trails across the sky, their impacts heard for miles. The night sky is clearer, with only the spiral arms of the Eater visible above the southern horizon.

  • Fire elements strengthened.
  • Water elements weakened.
  • Fire elementals at maximum power.
  • Water elementals at minimum power.
  • Halus' constellation most visible in northern hemisphere.

    Autumn (Crimson Solstice, Harvest, Fading)

    The ocean moon, Tropos, undergoes a tremendous season of hurricanes, most visible as huge whirling cloud belts stitched with tiny flashes of lightning. During its dark cycle, the pinpoint pulses of lightning are easily visible to the naked eye. The sun briefly passes behind a faint screen of nebular gas, giving it a red tinge that last for several days. The Eater rises steadily in the southern sky, consuming roughly one third of the horizon.

  • Wind elements strengthened.
  • Earth elements weakened.
  • Air elementals at maximum power.
  • Earth elementals at minimum power.
  • Cirra's constellation most visible in northern hemisphere.

    Winter (Snows, Silence, Melting)

    In the night sky, the Eater hangs almost directly overhead, dominating smaller nebular formations and dying stars. The nights grow longer, and the effects of the Wasting grow more pronounced with the lull of the planet's life force. The violet gas belt surrounding the vortex, often called the Crypt of Stars, reflects back upon the snow in cool blacklight hues.

  • Water elements strengthened.
  • Fire elements weakened.
  • Water elementals at maximum power.
  • Fire elementals at minimum power.
  • Mera's constellation most visible in northern hemisphere.
