CEKUS (The Island Nation)
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Brightwater (Informally)
24 000
None (tribal councils)
Kij, Arka
Gemstones, Silver, Crafts

        Near Rym's equator, off the southern coast of Haun, a small tropical island chain rises from ocean shallows the color of burning aquamarine. There are a total of thirty seven islands, ranging from tiny palmstands to the great twin isles of Lumin and Solair, which form roughly three quarters of the land mass. This is the archipelago of Cekus, ancestral home of the lutrai. One of the last sanctuaries of life untouched by the Spiral's taint, the island chain is protected by a natural maze of coral reefs, and a host of mythical beasts that once served the gods. Most of the islands are covered in dense rainforest and mangrove, with a scattering of low green mountains and open, rolling hills. Vast white beaches offset verdant jungle, bordered by swaying palm trees and the occasional lutrai village. The otter folk have lived here sinse the fall of Creator Empire, and endured the centuries of winter darkness that followed by sheltering in the deep limestone caverns found throughout the island chain.

        When the dust belts settled and the sun returned, the lutrai helped the nature spirits restore life to the island chain. In doing so, they were taught the ways of elemental magic by the ageless spirits, and adopted them as the totemic cornerstones of their culture. In truth, these wonderous creatures are the defeated remnants of deistic armies, hiding here from the ever-watchful Nigh. The lutrai refer to them collectively as the Shining Beasts. The islands would have been plundered long ago by the Tamaran Empire, or even the Spiral, were it not for the protection of these beings. Reluctant to show themselves for fear of the Godslayer, they rarely take an active role in this respect, prefering to strike in the form of seemingly-natural phenomena such as hurricanes and lightning bolts.

        In recent years, many Tamaran ships have attempted to reach Cekus, following rumors of rich emerald deposits, exotic arena beasts, and even ancient artifacts. Most end up impaled on the reefs, and many adventurous lutrai have taken to wreck-diving in search of curiousities. Even those that reach the islands find a near-alien landscape of hidden dangers - carnivorous plants, poisonous insects, and untamed elementals just to name a few. The primordial wilderness is largely unexplored, even by the native inhabitants, and in some places the rainforest itself seems to have a life all its own. Travelers may experience strange occurances here...ghostly green lights are most common, followed by half-heard sounds such as childish laughter and tribal chanting. The lutrai call these 'spirit echoes'.

Cekus is home to some of the most lush and verdant rainforests on Rym, environments where the energies of ancient magic are most powerful. These misty woodlands have a life all their own, and are home to the ageless animal spirits that once served the gods. Strange phenomenon have been known to occur in and around these ancient forests, and many believe them to be haunted.

Stacks are tiny limestone islands that are distinguished by their tall, monolithic appearance. These islands are in the last stages of errosion, with steep cliffs and small, hidden beaches. Most are home to great flocks of sea birds or hardy strains of palm and bamboo. There are litereally hundreds of stacks throughout the island chain.

Reefs are very common throughout the shallows. The lutrai use their magic to encourage this coral to grow, which long ago put an end to Tamaran incursions. This coral is a defense that few ship captains will ever dare to challenge, also due in part to the heavily shark-infested waters that surround it.


        The island nation's inhabitants use a great deal of the natural terrain in their construction, as opposed to clearing out wide regions for the purpose of settling. Both the lutrai and the koba have adpoted cavern systems as dwellings and shelter from the island chain's frequent hurricanes, which would easily destroy light structures. Sandstone and limestone caverns are quite common throughout Cekus, and many rich emerald deposits can be found imbedded in the pale stone of the rainforest basins. The lutrai also make use of various natural phenomena, such as waterfalls, in the construction of their villages.

        Lutrai tend to build their villages in two styles. When caves are available, the majority of the community is hidden, though bright painted designs around these so-called 'holts' are a clear enough indicator of inhabitation. The lutrai will often choose caverns that are half-submerged, allowing them quick access to their natural element. While limited in their means, the otter-folk are astonishingly creative with the salvage and flotsam that washes up on their shores, while at the same time managing to completely mis-apply it.

        The koba tend to be more mobile than the lutrai, and rarely require any form of structure at all. Instead, they tend to wander the swamp ruins found throughout the southern reaches of the island chain, or roam the vast grasslands in an almost herd-like fashion. As they can eat just about anything, the reptillians have no need for agriculture or even the most basic designs of civilization. Far from savage, however, they have developed a zen-like calm that supercedes any need for matieral things, and thus they have little physical infrastructure at all. The only physical signs of their culture are the many trails they create, seemingly at random, and the great stone circles they errect at major junction points.

  • Village: These could be the remains of a factory, refinery, technology center, or any other partially or fully-automated facility. Most contain dead, rusted-out equipment, heavily deteriorated commodities, and possibly skeletal remains. Looming mechanized arms, delapitated fractioning towers or smoke stacks, cranes, pumps, and other such mechanized items are also quite common. Most industrial ruins contain a great deal of metal, some of which may be salvageable. There is only a minute chance that any of the equipment will function, and an even smaller chance of figuring out what the function is.

  • Totem Ring: Some lutrai villages are surrounded by a ring of brightly-painted totems, either wooden or stone. These are far from simply decorative - most are carved with runes that attract animal spirits. Lutrai leave all manner of offerings at the base of these totems, and anyone who disturbs them runs the risk bringing down the spirits' wrath. Lutrai are taught to respect these offerings at a young age, and have even been known to trick raiders into looting inhabited totems by making them especially visible. Most totems are built in open places, carved to resemble the animal spirit they're meant to house, and left offerings in accordance. Most stand between six and ten feet high, and are not necessarily built to last.

  • Earthgate: One of the few permanent structures created by the koba, these monolith rings mark major junction points along their druidic pathways. For every intersecting path, four stones are errected, each between six and ten feet in height, forming a perfect circle around the nexus. Standing on this spot, koba druids can invoke what they refer to as the 'energy of travel', moving from one nexus to another instantaneously. In this way, entire tribes can be evacuated from danger, and the council of koba monks can meet to discuss important matters without having to walk great distances. Only koba druids can open these gates, though they have been known to teach these earth rituals to others, from time to time. (See also 'Great Basin')

  • Pyramid: Another rare koba structure, pyramids represent a ritual worship of sun and earth. The koba monks use their stone-shaping magics and great physical strength to build step-pyramids in areas of great natural splendor. These serve as temples - places of meditation where the warmth of the stones seems to have a soothing effect on the koba. Generally, there is no inner structure; simply a stack of stone tiers, from fifty to a hundred feet in height, with a black bassalt cap stone. The tiers are generally quite plain and undecorated, though some may contain neolithic murals or carvings. Monks have gathered at these sites for centuries, learning to refine their fighting skills by competing against each other and exchanging techiniques.

  • Verdance Pylon: Lutrai have assembled a great arsenal of peaceful, life-giving magics, and this is an excellent example of their efforts. Verdance pylons are most often ornately-carved stone monuments completely carpeted in moss, a sign of the energy they radiate. Gathering and amplifying ambient life energy, they enrich the growth and fertility of all life within a variable radius. The smallest of these pylons would protect a sacred grove, the largest capable of increasing the production of a sizeable orchard by threefold. They can even be placed in lakes or rivers to purify the water. Once constructed, however, these pylons become rooted to the earth, and cannot be removed without being destroyed.

  • Healing Spring: Mineral pools, that is to say, pools formed by underground springs, can be converted into powerful tools of healing. Lutraic healers charge the crystal and mineral salts suspended in the water with quintessant energy, allowing those who bathe or swim to absorb the vital energies stored by the solution. The magnitude of these healing springs varies. Some are relatively weak, perhaps extending the average lifespan of regular users by a few years. The most powerful, located within the Lotus Vale, can regenerate missing limbs, and glow with a fiery blue-green radiance. In either case, these pools must be constantly maintained by healers and mystics, lest they lose their power. Alternatively, they may be maintained by a ring of verdance pylons (see above).


    Village Shallows Village Jungle Rainforest Savanah Abyss Village Ruins Ruins Island Village Village Island Island Island Island Islands Shallows Ocean