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        Geologically-speaking, Rym is an ancient world. Most of its core has cooled, and there is little in the way of seismic or volcanic activity. The oceans are quite vast and warm, and only faintly salinated, covering the majority of the planet's surface. Many of the mountainous regions have been heavily erroded, and only a few tall peaks remain after millions of years of weathering. Rym's great age also shows in its ecosystems and weather cells, which possess a sort of primordial intelligence that seems to have evolved the planet itself into a unique lifeform, a child of the sun, Kij. Though the other long-dead gods shaped the world, it was her light that brought life to its surface, until the end of the old civilization during the Twilight War. Ruins of this lost empire can be found throughout the hemisphere (see Ruins, above).

        Perhaps Rym's most significant feature is its night sky. The massive twin moons, blue Tropos and golden Zunat, are the most prominant features, along with a plethora of cool blue and violet nebulae, and the massive, gas-outlined vortex of the Eater. Because Rym's system is closer to the core of its native galaxy, there is also a far denser concentration of stars in the night sky. Approximately seven thousand are easily visible to the naked eye, many in dense nebula clusters or caught in the twisting black whirlpool. All this extra space debris makes Rym the target of frequent meteor showers, during which the sky will literally rain fire for hours on end, and even clear nights are alive with shooting stars.

These maps were all drawn by hand, using colored pencils and ink on medium bristol, then scanned and converted to image maps. Six of the eight maps were then assembled to form the main layout, which is still a relatively small landmass. Click on any one of the locations to get a detailed layout - each sub-map contains further locations and points of interest. Eventually, I plan to expand the maps even further with the equally-large southern hemisphere, along with several key locations on the twin moons, Zunat and Tropos. I've also started assembling city maps, such as the Tamaran capital of Sin, and the ruins of Argopolis. I've also put together a few terrain charts (below).

Throughout Penduk, lightly-settled areas are quite commonplace. Only the largest of cities are shown on the map - there are scores of small villages, freesteads, and farming communities between. Most are relatively calm and peaceful, supporting light rural populations and simple outfitters. While safer than the surrounding wilderness, towns are occasionally attacked by wandering monsters or groups of brigands.

Larger communities flourish in ideal locations, and most are significant enough to be placed on the individual maps. Towns vary greatly in appearance, though in general they tend to be mixed masses of structures populated by members of various races. Cities contain an even larger economic base, offering nearly any good or service, and tend to be well defended. The largest cities are frequently surrounded by walls.

Rym's former civilization left behind numerous ancient ruins, most of which are located on the continent of Axis. However, many other sites of interest are scattered throughout Penduk, such as the remains of the old southern causeway, and the half-built cities of a revolution that died thousands of years ago. Derelicts of this sort are often dangerous, containing crumbling structures, dangerous energy residue, and occasionally crazed Machines.

This includes most tropical and temperate plains, fields, and veldt. Of all terrain types, this is probably the safest, as encounter distance is virtually line of sight, and there are few dangerous obstacles to traverse. Unfortunately, this open terrain may work against those attempting to flee persuit or hide. Movement over this terrain is generally unrestricted, and paths are common between significant communities.

River terrain also includes surrounding banks and lowlands, both of which are more heavily frequented by animal and humanoid alike. It may also include marshes of both salt and freshwater varieties. Rivers are heavily used for transporting goods, and as a foundation for many communities and settlements. Most rivers themselves are relatively safe, though some are home to dangerous aquatic predators.

The southern tip of Penduk is covered in swampland, moors, and bayou, a dark and dangerous terrain inhabited by numerous reptillian predators such as hydras, serpents, and czath. Moors are slightly less impeding to movement, and have little or no canopy, though hidden sinkholes and deep mud are a danger to the unwary. Swamps tend to be darker and even more dangerous.

Forests encompass most of the heavier boreal and jungle environments, while woodland generally refers to lighter deciduous growth. Forest terrain is typically half-lit and laden with entangling undergrowth which slows movement to some extent. Woodland hinders travel to a far lesser extent, and tends to be less populated by both animals and monsters. Both types should be evaluated for climate before encounters are generated.

These regions are covered in dangerous rocky peaks and sheer precipices, making travel difficult at best. The only way to traverse this sort of terrain is through passes and chasms, both of which are excellent ambush locations. To make matters worse, many dangerous avian beasts, including dragons, make their homes in these environments. Seismic activity on Rym is minimal, and thus most of these ranges are quite old.

Badlands are regions of dry and/or inhospitable rocky terrain, often carved out and left behind by long-departed seas and rivers. Wasteland is the result of deadly energies released during the ancient war, areas where not a speck of life can exist for long. This poisoned terrain can infect travelers with a withering sickness, and should be avoided at all costs. Wastelands may also be populated by Machines.

This includes the small chains of islands generally found throughout Rym's tropical belt, as well as the beaches, sandbars, and lagoons that go with them. Most of these islands are too small to support more than a tiny (and often distinct) local ecosystem, though some are home to primitive tribal cultures such as the lutrai and the koba. Tropical islands may also be home to giant varieties of poisonous insects and carnivorous vegetation.

This is any form or organic terrain that has succumbed to the Wasting. What's left behind is a frightening ruin of twisted decay, a landscape blighted by undead taint. Terrain of this kind is typically infested with Spiral forces and soul processors that literally remove life from the fabric of the planet. Many types of magic do not work in this terrain, especially those that draw upon the elements. Wasted regions are frequently scattered with bones.

This frigid terrain is perpetually covered in ice and snow. Icepacks are either regions of frozen ocean or the top of large glaciers. There is no native vegetation and very little native life. Snow and unchallenged winds slow movement and a lack of natural landmarks make it easy to get lost. Tundra is simply frozen plains, frequented by hardy heard animals and even hardier lichens and vegetation. Some skole tribes make their homes in this terrain.

These regions are dry almost all year round, with little or no native life. Light deserts receive enough annual rainfall to support cacti, small lizards, rodents, avians, and insects. Deep desert is generally covered in rolling sand dunes and no water at all. Both hinder movement, and the landscape itself tends to be more dangerous than any local wildlife. Some undead make their homes in this terrain.

Rym's oceans are barely salinated at all, and remarkably clear. The shallow regions are relatively safe, especially by boat, though the deepest regions are portals to even deeper subterranean seas and thus home to all manner of dark leviathans that rarely see the light of the surface. Tropical shallows are generally rich with life in the otherwise vast expanses of sand, and team with all manner of colorful creatures.

There are mediums between water and land, either extreme shallows with expanses of colorful barrier reef, or lagoons and tidal pools found throughout the tropics. Many are home to vast diversities of flora and fauna, some surprisingly poisonous, others merely gaudy. Lagoons cater to both land-based and aquatic life, and the deeper ones may lead into networks of underwater caverns.

Rym's prevailing winds are artificially generated, each furnished by an enormous astral fan. These are set in motion according to a seasonal cycle (see astral fans), pulling air and clouds into Rym's skies in order to create weather patterns. The astral realms of Jova and Solaria are also examples of this terrain type.

Arthandur Erdanis Haun Endland Cekus Tamara Arcada Axis Freilu
