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Running Public Roleplay Areas

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This is meant as advice to people that want to run heavy roleplay areas on the MUCK. Places with story and altercations etc. in a structured environment.

Tapestries MUCK

The first thing that you should be aware of is that Tapestries is not an ideal environment for this type of area. It is first and foremost a BDSM Muck, not a roleplaying Muck. While there are overlaps (for example, BDSM power exchanges often involve roleplaying), BDSM still comes first.

At times this will require that you make compromises to your vision, and to the roleplay in your area, both to fit within the mission of the Muck, and to fit within it's Policies.

If the compromises are too steep for you, you may wish to consider if Tapestries is in fact the right place for you to be building your area.


One example of this is the global and required respect for Safeword. Out of Character everyone has the right to bring a scene to an end. Period. Further, this is expected to be no-fault. Safewording should never be made out to be a crime, or something wrong to do. This can be at times difficult in a heavy-RP area, but you have to deal with this. It is considered necessary to maintain a safe, sane and consensual environment for BDSM play.

Theme and Mission

It is even more important for heavy roleplay areas to have a clearly stated theme and mission.

The mission should state what the purpose of the area is, why it was created, what goals there are for the roleplaying there, etc.

The theme should describe the feel of the roleplay and the area, and go into some detail about the culture and such. Things people can play off in their stay in the area.


There are several types of story going on in a good roleplaying area, each should add flavor to the area, but not necisarly be something that everyone that walks in off the street has to worry about right away. It's best if casual players can come in and play off the stories, rather than being a part of them. Thus for many players the current plots and such should be background which they can use to richen their own roleplay.

Back Story

The back story is the history of your area. This should be publicly available to everyone in your area, along with the theme and mission. This should include information to give the area depth, and provide lots of jumping off points for people to roleplay from and to help people fit their character into the area better.

Current Plotlines

What of this is public or not depends a lot on the situation, but it needs to be partly public for it to have any value to the average user of your area. One approach that has worked out is having a 'rumors' program that gives you a feel for what is currently going on in the background.

Concluded plotlines, or portions of them, may well be suitable for retirement as back story.

Such plotlines should only directly involve characters that are willing participants in it, and are generally OK with where it's expected to go for their characters.

Such plotlines should be managed, either by the owner, or other delegated admins.

Story Arc

Some areas may have an overall story arc that all the plotlines tie into. This requires a great deal of coordination, especially as things change, players move on or become otherwise unavailable, etc.

Often times part or all of the actual story arc of an area is a closely guarded secret of the area's owner and a few trusted individuals and admins.


Good roleplay will eventually come down to conflicts of one sort or another. Some players can be left to sort these things out themselves. The more guidelines on HOW to do this you give, the more this will take care of itself.

However. The vast majority of people want to see their characters 'win', and while some situations can be resolved in a 'win win' way, not all can, and many would not be the least bit interesting if they were. Sometimes they just won't be able to reach a reasonable solution among themselves.

Game Masters (GMs)

The Wizards are the ultimate GMs of the game, however, they are not going to get involved in disputes about how to IC resolve conflicts in your area. As such, you will need to have people designated to handle these things within your area. They should be as impartial as possible, well versed in your area's guidelines for roleplay, as well as the mission and theme of the area.

GMs should be publicly listed so that people who find themselves unable to resolve disputes over how to handle an IC situation can find them.

GMs should also be sensitive to where people want to go with their characters, and remember that people invest a lot of time in their characters, and seek solutions that are at least acceptable if not perfect for both parties.

Freeform Battle

Conflict can eventually lead to out and out battle. Unlike most RPGs, this game has no structured combat rules, power levels, dice and so forth to guide conflict. Thus it falls to the players themselves to resolve a conflict. This requires a good deal of maturity from both parties.

How do you avoid powergaming? You take care with how you pose. When posing in a conflict, the best way to do so is to pose your actions, but not the result. You want to describe what you do and perhaps a basic note of what you hope to achieve, then leave it to the opponent to decide how the attack resolves.

For Example:

Player A circles with you, narrowed eyes watching your every movement. Suddenly he darts forward, snapping out a quick jab.. a feint that melts into a low kick at the back of your knee.

Note the pose. It gives a few notable bits of info. It shows that Player A is alert and watchful. It gives an attack move, a high feint followed by a low kick and the target of the kick. What it doesn't do is say the kick connected or if the feint worked. Both of those should be left to the opponent.

The opponent might respond with something like this:

Player B dances lightly on his feet as he watches you in return. Watches and sees the jab. His arms curled up to deflect the blow that never comes. He grunts as is leg folds under the kick, dropping to one knee. A low growl escapes him as he plants his hands and whips around his other leg in a vicious sweep.

The opponent decides the attack hits and responds in kind with his own attempted blow, adapted from the new position his character is in. It would then fall to player A to decide how the attack resolves, then respond in kind with his own actions and reactions.

Defeat vs. Death

In almost all cases, some form of defeat in conflict is preferable to the death of a character. Most people don't want to see a character die, even in a small RP area on the Muck. If such a thing is needed for story advancement, plan that out with the people involved first, possibly creating a villain or whatever is needed as a throwaway character to be played by someone that does not mind doing it.

Dropping the RP

Sometimes if no agreement can be reached it may be best to simply drop the RP entirely and pretend it never happened.

Outside your Area

Expect people not to play their characters the same outside your area. They may have the same name, but be entirely different people elsehwere.
