Password Recovery

MPI WA (Where Are) by Jiffies

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Permission for use

Permissions given in forum post [1]

Ah yeah, after a while of being away i just noticed i never put up any terms of use/licence for my WA.

So here we go.
I allow anyone to use my WA anywhere it can be used, as long as I am not held responsible for any damage that might occur from use or missue of it.
And in addition, If you find any bugs do tell me.


The following is taken from a forum post. [2]

[Example Of Main Output (wa) ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - < MPI Where Are (v.54) >- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Name             Gender   Species                    Role                Idle
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Guestroom (G)
   ******           Male     ******                     Pet              Asleep
   *****            female   ************               Furry            Asleep
   ******           Herm     *******                    Foxy             Asleep
   ***********      male     ***                        Fluffss          Asleep
   *******          female   *******                    Visitor          Asleep
   ******           Female   *******                    Visitor          Asleep
   ******           Female   *****                      Crystalinepreis  Asleep
 Lawn (L)
   *****            male     ***                        Toooooooolooooo  Asleep
 Fire Place
   **********       Herm     ***********                Example       *  Asleep
   *************    female   *************              Visitor          Asleep
 Hidden Room
   *******          female   ******                     Visitor          Asleep
- - - - - - - -<  Awake: 0  > - < Asleep: 11 > - <  Total 11  > - - - - - - - -
- -< Furs with * after their role have more info , use 'wa name' to see it >- -

[ Example Of Using * As Linebreaker/Newline - Setting (look line below) ]
'wa #admin_set ********** Example       *  Show Da Funk  *DAAA FYNC'

[ Example Of Using * As Linebreaker/Newline - Shown (wa ********** ) ]
  Show Da Funk  

[Example Main Help (wa #help) ]
MPI Where Are (v.54) -- Subject: Main Help
wa #help  (shows you this file)
wa #help credits (shows you who did all the work)
wa #set [role] (sets your status in the 'Role' column, might be deactivated)
( The secret with the *, is that it makes a new line when you use 'wa name' )
( The space allowed for role is 15 characters wide, putting * on the 15th   )
( position allows it to be shown at the very end,                           )
( adding spaces before it if needed                                         )

                      ( Owner Eyes Only )
wa #setup (to show what can be set up on the wa, only owner can see this)

                      ( Admin Eyes Only )
wa #admin_set <name> [role] (Sets somone else's role, only admin can do this)
---------------------------------------------------------- Jiffies -----

[Example Setup Screen (wa #setup)]
lsedit wa=rooms
  Edit room list, one #dbref per line.
  Rooms will be searched in given order.
@set wa=_setting_admins: <name> [name name ...] 
  This is where you set the names of whom you
  want to be able to use the #admin command.
  One or more names sepparated by space,
  helps putting your own here.
@set wa=_version:You MPI wa desc
  Sets the text that is shown at the top
  of the wa and inside the help system.
@set wa=_setup_user_set_role?:1
  Set to 1 to allow users to set their own role.
  Set to 0 to refuse users to set their own role.
  ( Defaults is set at 0 )
@set wa=_setup_hide_sleepers?:1
   This setting is set if you want to hide sleepers
   Set to 1 if you want to hide sleepers else set it to FOO
   (Defaults is set as FOO)
lsedit wa=help_topic
  Exchange topic for what you want to be added
  in the help system. help_ is mandatory,
  but topic can be what you wish it to be
  after editing teh list the helpfile is available
  by typing wa #help topic
lsedit wa=help
  If you need to edit the main screen #help
  thats where you'll find it.
Different commands like #set is easy to
add up if you want more of them just add the
command with a # infront of it as example
' @set wa=#yiff:You have just been yiffed '


  Account On Tapestries (Duh)
  The file ( "mpi wa-dump (distrub) (v.54).txt" )
  A client witch can handle pasting the stuff without breaking the code. (I have my recomendations.)
  30 ounce of good luck.
  Some patience.
  And a sprinkle of basic mpi knowledge.
  A couple of rooms and a parent set.
  A generally sized flyswatter/rolled up newspaper, a thick wooden board also works. (Optional)

Starting up:
  Walk to parent room.
  Paste in code. (All of it no cheating.)
  Set the admins (see 'wa #setup' adter the paste (or look above))
  (Most of the #setup screen has the stuff you can change just use that)
  That should be it. (Use #help to find some more info)

  If you really can't get it to work you can optionally whack yourself with the optional
flyswatter/newspaper or wooden board. Before contacting me about it and i'll help ya (if possible ;).

2008-04-15 Updated to version v.54
Thanks goes to Laurili for finding the bug described here.
Apperently I had left two functions #admin and #admin_set, where the first contained a matching for users in the admin list, and #admin_set contained a match for the owner of the wa. The two are now merged and will function as described above.
Keeping v.53sp attached for memorability untill next update.

Feedback is highly appreciated!
Even if just telling me that you use it ^.^

Code Dump

Please make sure that nobody other than Jiffies have edited this page. If the page has been altered there is always a risk that someone might have injected malicious code into the below. At that point you are recommended to get the downloadable text-file from the forum post made by Jiffies instead. [3]

mpi wa-dump (distrub) (v.54).txt

[Start Dump]
@action wa=here=tmp/exit1
@link $tmp/exit1=$nothing
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/#admin_set:{if:{or:{eq:{subst:{owner:{ref:this}},*,},{name:me}},{ne:0,{lmember:{prop:_setting_admins},{name:me}, }}},{if:{ne:{get_first:{get_rest:{&arg}}},},{if:{ne:{get_rest:{get_rest:{&arg}}},},Setting position for {get_first:{get_rest:{&arg}}} to '{store:{get_rest:{get_rest:{&arg}}},/storage/{get_first:{get_rest:{&arg}}}}'.,{null:{store:,/storage/{get_first:{get_rest:{&arg}}}}}{get_first:{get_rest:{&arg}}}'s position has been reset.},Usage ' {name:this} #admin_set &lt;name&gt; [role] '}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/#help:{eval:{prop:_version}} -- Subject: {if:{ne:{prop:help_{get_rest:{&arg}}#},},{get_rest:{&arg}},Main Help}{nl}{left:,72,-}{nl}{if:{ne:{prop:help_{get_rest:{&arg}}#},},{eval:{list:help_{get_rest:{&arg}}#}},{eval:{list:help#}}}{nl}{Right: Jiffies -----,72,-}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/#set:{if:{prop:_setup_user_set_role?},{if:{ne:{get_rest:{&arg}},},Setting your position to '{store:{get_rest:{&arg}},/storage/{name:me}}'.,{null:{store:,/storage/{name:me}}}Your position has been reset.},This wa does not allow you to set your own position\, please ask any of the furs listed below.{nl}==&gt; {prop:_setting_admins} &lt;==}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/#setup:{if:{eq:{subst:{owner:{ref:this}},*,},{name:me}},{eval:{list:admin_help_setup}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_/sc:{if:{eq:{chk32:{&arg}},},{eval:{prop:_default}},{if:{smatch:{midstr:{get_first_raw:{&arg}},1},#},{if:{ne:{prop:{get_first_raw:{&arg}}},},{eval:{prop:{get_first_raw:{&arg}}}},{eval:{prop:_wrong}}},{eval:{prop:_set}}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_default:{with:flag,0,{with:asleep,0,{with:total,0,{null:{tell:- {center:&lt; {prop:_version,this} &gt;,76,- }-{nl}Location{nl}  Name             Gender   Species                    Role                Idle{nl}-{left:,76, -} -}{foreach:room,{list:rooms},{foreach:player,{contents:{&room},player},{set:total,{add:{&total},1}}{tell:{fix_out:{subst:{&player},*,},{gender:{ref:{&player}}},{species:{ref:{&player}}},{prop:storage/{subst:{&player},*,}},{idle:{&player}}}}}} {tell:-{center:&lt;{center:Awake: {subt:{&total},{&asleep}},12, }&gt; - &lt;{center:Asleep: {&asleep},12, }&gt; - &lt;{center:Total {&total},12, }&gt;,77, -}-}{tell:- -&lt; Furs with * after their role have more info \, use 'wa name' to see it &gt;- -}}}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/chk32:{if:{ne:{strlen:{subst:{:1}, ,}},0},{:1}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/cut:{midstr:{:1},1,{:2}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/cut_left:{left:{midstr:{:1},1,{:2}},{:2}, }
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/cut_right:{right:{midstr:{:1},1,{:2}},{:2}, }
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/fix_out:{if:{ne:{:5},-{prop:_setup_hide_sleepers?}},{if:{ne:{&room},{&flag}}, {name:{set:flag,{&room}}}{nl}}   {midstr:{:1}                ,1,16} {midstr:{:2}        ,1,8} {midstr:{:3}                         ,1,25}  {midstr:{if:{eq:{:4},},Visitor,{:4}}               ,1,15}  {right:{if:{ne:{:5},-1},{stimestr:{:5}},Asleep{null:{set:asleep,{add:{&asleep},1}}}},6, },{null:{set:asleep,{add:{&asleep},1}}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/get_first:{chk32:{get_first_raw:{:1}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/get_first_raw:{midstr:{:1},1,{subt:{instr:{:1}, },1}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/get_gender:{if:{not:{or:{smatch:{gender:{:1}},\*error:*},{smatch:{gender:{:1}},\*unknown\*}}},{gender:{:1}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/get_rest:{chk32:{get_rest_raw:{:1}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/get_rest_raw:{if:{ne:{instr:{:1}, },0},{midstr:{:1},{add:{instr:{:1}, },1},{strlen:{:1}}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/get_sex:{if:{not:{or:{smatch:{sex:{:1}},\*error:*},{smatch:{sex:{:1}},\*unknown\*}}},{sex:{:1}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_msgmacs/get_species:{if:{not:{or:{smatch:{species:{:1}},\*error:*},{smatch:{species:{:1}},\*unknown\*}}},{species:{:1}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_set:{if:{ne:,{prop:storage/{get_first:{&arg}}}},{null:{tell:*===---{nl}{name:*{get_first:{&arg}}}{nl}{eval:{subst:{subst:{subst:{prop:storage/{get_first:{&arg}}},\{,(},\},)},*,{nl}}}{nl}*===---}}}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_setting_admins:NOBODY_SET_AS_ADMIN-(Nyyya!)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_setup_hide_sleepers?:FOO
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_setup_user_set_role?:0
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_version:MPI Where Are (v.54)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/_wrong:{null:}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#:42
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/1:              (Simple)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/10:  helps putting your own here.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/11: 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/12:@set wa=_version:You MPI wa desc
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/13:  Sets the text that is shown at the top
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/14:  of the wa and inside the help system.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/15: 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/16:@set wa=_setup_user_set_role?:1
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/17:  Set to 1 to allow users to set their own role.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/18:  Set to 0 to refuse users to set their own role.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/19:  ( Defaults is set at 0 )
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/2:lsedit wa=rooms
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/20: 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/21:@set wa=_setup_hide_sleepers?:1
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/22:   This setting is set if you want to hide sleepers
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/23:   Set to 1 if you want to hide sleepers else set it to FOO
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/24:   (Defaults is set as FOO)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/25: 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/26:lsedit wa=help_topic
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/27:  Exchange topic for what you want to be added
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/28:  in the help system. help_ is mandatory,
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/29:  but topic can be what you wish it to be
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/3:  Edit room list, one #dbref per line.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/30:  after editing teh list the helpfile is available
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/31:  by typing wa #help topic
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/32: 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/33:lsedit wa=help
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/34:  If you need to edit the main screen #help
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/35:  thats where you'll find it.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/36: 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/37:               (Advanced)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/38:Different commands like #set is easy to
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/39:add up if you want more of them just add the
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/4:  Rooms will be searched in given order.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/40:command with a # infront of it as example
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/41:' @set wa=#yiff:You have just been yiffed '
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/42:               (End)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/5: 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/6:@set wa=_setting_admins: &lt;name&gt; [name name ...] 
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/7:  This is where you set the names of whom you
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/8:  want to be able to use the #admin command.
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/admin_help_setup#/9:  One or more names sepparated by space,
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help#:5
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help#/1:wa #help  (shows you this file)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help#/2:wa #help credits (shows you who did all the work)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help#/3:wa #set [role] (sets your status in the 'Role' column, might be deactivated)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help#/4:( The secret with the *, is that it makes a new line when you use 'wa name' ){nl}( The space allowed for role is 15 characters wide, putting * on the 15th   ){nl}( position allows it to be shown at the very end,                           ){nl}( adding spaces before it if needed                                         )
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help#/5:{if:{eq:{subst:{owner:{ref:this}},*,},{name:me}},{nl}{nl}                      ( Owner Eyes Only ){nl}wa #setup (to show what can be set up on the wa\, only owner can see this)}{if:{ne:0,{lmember:{prop:_setting_admins},{name:me}, }},{nl}{nl}                      ( Admin Eyes Only ){nl}wa #admin_set &lt;name&gt; [role] (Sets somone else's role\, only admin can do this)}
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help_credits#:2
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help_credits#/1:This program is 100% MPI coding done by Jiffies.  (Woo!  No MUF! :P){nl}(A thanks goes out to helpstaff for helping me learn mpi.)
@propset $tmp/exit1=str:/help_credits#/2:(Insert Custom Thank You Note here)
[End Dump]

See also

WA-indexer in Publicly Usable MUF
