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Modem Problems #2170 - Dignity - October 21st, 2024
Modem Problems #2165 - Likes Her - October 3rd, 2024

Modem Problems #2166 - Splut! - October 7th, 2024

Modem Problems #2167 - Somethings Wrong - October 10th, 2024

Modem Problems #2168 - In Love - October 14th, 2024

Modem Problems #2169 - Sharp - October 17th, 2024

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Comics Copyright 2001-2024 by Matthew McAndrews. Website copyright 2001-2024 by Karl Maurer.
Periodicly Modem Problems will feature a link in the top left corner of the page that will take people to an item that the editor of the website has chosen as one of possible interest to our visitors. Sometimes those links are to a place where one can donate to relief efforts. None of these links are paid advertisements, rather they are presented here as a service to the comunity at large and because the editor felt it was a good idea at the time. As with all links like this, they may grow stale and no longer work after a time.

An archive of the links used can be found below, starting with the most recent and working back.

February 20th, 2024
A very dear friend, and one of the founders of 'Furry Fandom' as such, amoung other achievements, Mark Merlino, passed away. He had been battling after a number of strokes and other issues from the end of 2023 into the beginning of 2024. He is survived by his long-time companion and mate, Rod O'Riley. In his life he made a significant impact on many lives, including that of the webmaster of this site. It took me a while to come to grips with his passing and add this comment to this website. May he rest in peace and contentment.

2nd Week of August 2023
Massive Wildfires in Hawaii! The hurricane fueled winds of 'Nora' fulled a pair of major wildfires on Maui and the Big Island, with massive amounts of devastating destruction and awful loss of life. We encourage anyone that can to contribute to the relief organization of your choice. Our preference is the Hawai'i Community Foundation's Maui Strong Fund. But you can also donate to many others. ABC News has collected a good list here.

Beginning of August 2023
The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues
As Webmaster here at Modem Problems I was always optimistic that the Russia/Ukraine war would be resolved in less than a year. Here we are 18 months into it and it doesn't look like it's ending any time soon. The Ukrainians have shown that they are an incredibly resiliant people and are NOT going to just roll over and surrender.
I double-checked the links from my prior post here from February 2022, and they are all still good. Global Giving's Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund is still active and going strong. You can look below at February 2022 for the other 2 sites I listed.

February 2023
The Turkey and Syrian Earthquakes
I have chosen to link to CNN's story about relief efforts related to the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria as one of the more trustworthy (to me) sites out there.

February 2022
Russia has invaded Ukraine...
We have chosen the Global Giving site's Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund as the one that we are linking to in the top right hand corner of our pages, but there are others. Check out the following pages from from the BBB, GQ Magazine of all places, and so many others. Any web search will find lots of them. Be sure to do careful research to make sure you are not being scammed and the funds will really go to the right place.

March 2020
With the world in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is only fitting to put a link to the CDC on this main page.
As to donations, seek some deserving local charity, or purchase that extra meal to-go from your favorite restaurant near you to lend a little assistance. We all need to support each other while maintaining as much social distancing as we can.
Stay safe, stay healthy. And while you are hearing it everywhere, here it is again: Wash those hands!
CDC page for Coronavirus COVID019

GoFundMe to support Frontline responders:
Frontline Responders Fund

January 2020
Our hearts go out to all those in Australia that have been and are being affected by the massive brushfires raging in that country. While we, ourselves, are unable to help them in person, every penny donated to the Australian Red Cross will assist those who need it most.
Australian Red Cross
Other organizations that one can give to can be found at the following webpage on CNN.
How to help australia bushfire victims
One of the most noteable ones on the list is Animals Austraia.

June 2017
Rocket Dog Rescue
Rocket Dog Rescue is a San Francisco Bay Area dog rescue organization run by a group of dedicated volunteers. They save dogs from death at over-crowded shelters and find them loving, happy homes.

Nine Lives Foundation
The Nine Lives Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit cat welfare organization that rescues cats and kittens from high-kill shelters and at-risk homeless situations and places them in their no-kill facility until they can be placed in permanent, loving homes. Nine Lives Foundation provides all necessary medical treatments for its shelter cats through an on-site veterinary clinic, including those with physical, medical or behavioral disabilities.

Both of the above organizations are located in the San Francisco Bay Area. We strongly recommend that you support no-kill shelters in your own local area, as small regional operations like these are the ones in most need of support and will be better in touch with needs of the dogs & cats (& others) in your area.

September 2016
Veterans Healing Camp
As some of our readers know, the artist and author of the Modem Problems comic strip, Matt McAndrews, is a Disabled Veteran, having been shot twice and blown up once. His friends Shahla Fadaie and her kids started the Veterans Healing Camp after her son, Forest came come from the war. A camp for Vets and others in a mini farming town in Reno, Nevada. Please click on the link above or drop them an email at and help if you can. These guys are poor as church mice and every penney and dollar helps!
If you would like to see their flyer, you can view it as images here: Page 1, Page 2 or in PDF form suitable for printing.

July 2015
Axanar Productions This originally pointed to the Star Trek Axanar Indigogo Campaign
Near and dear to the website manager's heart is the force that is Star Trek Axanar. From Star Trek Axanar - Prelude to Axanar (link to full film on You Tube) to the present, Alec Peters and Axanar Productions have created new hope many of the old school Star Trek fans with the creation of Ares Studios. Both 'Prelude' and Ares Studios were crowdfunded through Kickstarter. Now they are running an IndieGoGo campaign for the feature film itself. This campaign, at the time of this writing, Has closed, having raised $574,434 before IndiGoGo & the payment companies take their cut. This looks to be enough to fund about 1/2 the film. Their plan is to film it in 4 parts at this time and it will start filming in the near future. However, there is a lawsuit they need to deal with. For more information on that see their website.

Other projects such as Star Trek: New Voyages / Phase II (Website no longer present), Renegades (formerly Star Trek: Renegades, and Star Trek Continues are made by the incredibly talented fans out there. Please check them out!

May 2015
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
As the comic strip on May 2th, 2015 contained a reference to ADD, I (the website owner) figured it only fair that I link to the ADDA for those interested in this very real condition.

January 2015
Rocket Dog Rescue
Rocket Dog Rescue, the name says it all. They are an all-volunteer nonprofit group dedicated to saving homeless and abandoned animals from euthanasia in overcrowded San Francisco Bay Area shelters. They literally give them a second chance at life. And everybody deserves a second chance.

December 2013
The Internet Defense League

November 2013
CNN's Coverage of How to help Typhoon Haiyan survivors
This page contains a quite comprehensive collection of links to organizations of all sorts that are helping the survivors of the recent typhoon in the Philippines and is likely to remain in place so long as those relief efforts are needed which is why I choose to link there.

January 2012
The Humane Society of the United States

November 2011
The Monterey Bay Aquarium is featured in memory of Chris Sturtivant aka Findra who passed away in October 2011. The admin for the Modem Problems website called him a friend and misses him deeply.

September 2011
The American Red Cross is once again featured due to the heat waves and wildfires across the country and Hurricane Irene.

June 2011
Missing Pet Partnership.

April 2011
The American Red Cross site.

March 2011 At the time they had a Japan Earthquake victims Relief page. That page is no longer present so this just points to the general site.