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Last Updated 11-28-13
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Modem Problems Guest Art Gallery
Scott Alston Harvo
'Stella Mouseglove'
Strange as it may seem Stella started out life as a second banana character, but when I give any other artists the choice she is in the top three that they choose. This tends to change the story from time to time. Scott was one of the first to demonstrate this!
'Vicky Kitsune'
Harvo, The cover artist for Sonic the Hedgehog did this for me some time ago. I think he liked her because he went to some extra effort to get it me before I left the con plus He inked it at no charge.

Zephrey Hughes
'Kuan Yin'
Kuan is one of my oldest characters. Orignally she was ment as a Barbarian queen but over time She evolved into Vicky's "Mom".
'Lady Rumako'
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Rumako Kitsune was developed as a request some years ago in for a Pin-up nude for Vicky. As Vicky is only 11, I came up with Rumako who sence then has taken on a life of her own in more adult storys.
Squeaky is my newest character. Orignally I'd planned to add a human to the line up but not too human. In the end I setteled on one of Santa's elves. with a twist. Squeaky is not an Elf but in keeping with an old character I used to play in WoW, She's actually a Goblin.
'Moon Dance'

Dutch Kuppuharer Daphne Lage Steven Martin
Ok this one is a bit strange. Dutch does a story line about Misty Mouse. A... er, Full bodied mouse. Well when I asked him to do a few of my characters, well, it seems that Vicky and Angus put on a little weight!
'Bast' 'Kuan Yin and sister'
Steve's always been creative. In this case I asked him to do Kuan Yin. Well, Steve decided that Kuan needed a sister. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the concept but it does deserve some thought.

Richard Matheson
'Christmas Card 2001'
Rich and I had a kinda exchange war going on for a while. Back in '01, he hand made a one of a kind Christmas card for me. I guess he won that year!
For a while Rich and I were doing something I call "Cross border raids". (Rich lives in Canada) and part of one of those raids He had Vicky have a snack attack on Kuans prised gold fish!
Over the years that I've known him Rich has done several pieces featuring Vicky Kitsune. This one is my favorate! It portrays her in an early story line where she helped defend Japan during the war.

Fan Colored by Brittany Oswald
'Whiskey Rufus'
I love fan colors! It shows me different ways to do things. In this case, Brittany colored Whisky in her Bunny suit.
'Lady Rumako'
Lady Rumiko is Vicky's Mom. When Brittany saw her she sort of fell in love with her. I had to run out to Kinkos to make a few copys so she could color this one. Unfortunatly since Lady Rumako is from a more adult story line I couldn't show Brittany the story. Her Mom would'a killed me!
I swear one of these days I'm gonna do a story called Everybody loves Stella!

Roy D. Pounds II
Joe Rosales
Stella Nude-ish
Roy did this a few years ago in response to an off hand remark of mine about how I'd never done a nude study of Stella. He came up with a clothing malfunction for her. Gotta love a girl that's good with a needle and thread.
Roy seems to love a challange! Out of the blue he sent me Stella's Schematics! This is something I'd never thought of trying! It also later affected how I draw her.
'Indera Mangus'
I got this one from Joe Rosales quite a while ago. Indera was a very minor character in the story at the time but when I gave him the choice of what character to do he chose her. I guess he likes Mongooses!

Fan Colored by Ruth Wagner
Taral Wayne
'Lady Saraenae Arashi'

Tygger is a very generous person. I asked her to do a little something for me and she did two for free! In this case, when she found out that Vicky was a shapeshifter, Tygger wanted to show me how to do it!
'Lady Saraenae Arashi'
'Untitled' 'Bast'
Images Copyright by their Creators.
Characters Copyright 1990-2013 by Matthew McAndrews unless otherwise noted.
Website copyright 2001-2013 by Karl Maurer.