The Cornpellet. Living proof that although they may look like bandits, Ferrets make lousy pirates! Click here for larger image
USS Essex
The USS Essex. The first Americian warship to make it to the Pacific. And tehe first American warship to be SUNK in the Pacific! Click here for larger image
If she looks a bit 'German' there's a good reason. Before the war Japan bought several WWI designed boats. None survived the war. Click here for larger image
IJS Akagi
One of the largest carriers in the Japanese Navy.If she had survived into 1945 she would likely have carried the Ki-163... if they had come on line. Click here for larger image
USS Texas
Her motto is 'Don't mess with Texas.'I think a better motto would be 'The eye of Texas are upon you.'Click here for larger image
Ushakove LPL
The LPL was a great idea and an epic failure! It was a flying sub that could't fly (too heavy) and underwater sounded like someone dragging a trashcan across the parking lot! Click here for larger image
Characters and Art © 2001-2021 by Matthew McAndrews unless otherwise noted
Website © 2001-2021 by Karl Maurer.