An excellent choice for squishing a money grubbing fiend! Fast and agile, it only has one draw back. It uses wheels so you don't get that very satisfying crunch that we all wann'a hear! Click here for larger image
M-7 Priest
Very heavy, tracked a big gun and it was even called the Priest. Not so the evil public servant can pray, but named after the .50 cal gun mount! Click here for larger image
M8 Stuart
No, it's not a tank. the M8 was a light self propelled gun. Although it was fairly slow it has more then enough speed to run down any drain on us poor tax payers! Click here for larger image
M3 Lee/Grant
She was known as The Queen of the desert! But this lady has teeth that are perfect for chewing up and spitting out those annoying drains on us poor slobs from both the U.S. and the U.K. Click here for larger image
M5 Halftrack
A really fun vehicle to drive but maybe not so good for squishing. The rear track... and I'm not kidding... was nothing more then a giant rubber band! Click here for larger image
This is the oldest of the vehicles we've chosen. The AV-7 had good off-road performance and good weight, but sadly with a speed of barely 2 MPH it may have a problem catching a fleeing public servant! Click here for larger image
Characters and Art © 2001-2021 by Matthew McAndrews unless otherwise noted
Website © 2001-2021 by Karl Maurer.